Ingrown Hairs

What is an ingrown hair?

An ingrown hair is a hair that curls and penetrates the skin with its tip, causing inflammation. Ingrown hairs are more common among people with very curly hair. Most ingrown hairs occur in the beard area.

What are the symptoms of an ingrown hair?

The most common symptom of an ingrown hair is inflammation of the skin, followed by pus formation. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. The symptoms of an ingrown hair may resemble other skin conditions. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.

How is an ingrown hair diagnosed?

Diagnosis of an ingrown hair can be confirmed with a medical history and a physical examination.

Treatment for an ingrown hair:

An ingrown hair often heals on its own. However, in the case of chronic ingrown hairs, treatment may include:

  • Allowing the hair to grow longer

  • Removing the hair through electrolysis or depilatory methods (liquids or creams)

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