Dr. Jatinder Pal Singh
Respiratory Medicine Specialist, Amritsar
- 11 Years Experience
- 3 Hospitals
- 1 Private Practice
- Languages : English, Hindi, Punjabi
Senior resident, Indresh hospital dehradun, Dehradun June, 2017 - Present
Senior resident, Fortis escort hospital, Amritsar January, 2019 - Present
Consultant , Fortis escorts hospital , Amritsar January, 2021 - Present
Respiratory Medicine
Chest Physician
Critical Care
General Medicine
Interventional Pulmonology
Respiratory Allergic Diseases
Sleep Medicine
Respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, sleep disorders, lung cancer, asthma, ILD, cops, pleural effusion, pleural diseases.Bronchoscopy, pleuroscopy, thoracoscopy.Education
MD, 2017, Sgrd amritsar, Amritsar, India
Fellowship in abdominal pelvic ultrasound , 2021, Baba farid university, faridkot, Amritsar
MBBS , 2012, AIMSR, bhatinda, Bhatinda
Practice Information
Fortis Escorts Hospital, Amritsar
Majitha Verka Bypass, Amritsar, Punjab - 143004
Nayyar Heart Institute & Super Speciality Hospital, Amritsar
3, Lawrence Road Extn, Dasondha Singh Road, Amritsar, Punjab - 143001
KD Hospital, Amritsar
Near Medical College, 7, Circular Road, Amritsar, Punjab - 143001
Private Practice Information
Breathe - Easy Chest & Sleep Care Clinic
10, Joshy Colony Market, Near Fine Arts Wedding Cards Showroom, Near Joshy Colony Market Park, Joshy Colony Market, Amritsar, Punjab - 143001
- (+91) 7009239352, 9216161367
Achievements & Contributions
- Gold medalist in MD pulmonary medicine 2014 batch. State topper of Punjab.
- 1 prize napcon 2016
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