Dr. Nakul Sinha
Cardiologist, Lucknow
MBBS, MD, DM (Cardiology)
- 1 Hospital
- Worked as a faculty member in the Deptt of Medicine.
- Joined Department of Cardiology at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow in 1987 from its inception
- Professor and Head of department of Cardiology at SGPGI for more than 15 years
- Performing the highest number of coronary and non coronary interventional procedures in the state of UP
Interventional Cardiology
Coronary Interventional Procedures
Heart Failure Management
Essential (primary) hypertension
Arterial Hypertension
High blood pressure
- All Coronary and non coronary interventional procedures
Fellow Society of Cardiac Angiography and Interventions, 1999, USA
Fellow American College of Cardiology, 2002
Fellow Cardiological Society of India, 2006, India
MBBS, 1976, KGMC, Lucknow
MD (Medicine), 1981, KGMC, Lucknow
DM (Cardiology), 1985, KGMC, Lucknow
Practice Information
Medanta Hospital, Lucknow
Sector - A, Pocket - 1, Sushant Golf City, Amar Shaheed Path, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226030
Achievements & Contributions
- Thesis for MD (Medicine)- Some observations on bioavailability of benzathine penicillin in normal population and in hypoproteinaemia.
- Thesis for DM (Cardiology)- Evaluation of a step care approach in medical management of stable angina pectoris.
- Co-supervisor in ICMR research project (1981-83 ) Deptt of Cardiology KGMC. Evaluation of efficacy of 3 wkly vs 4 wkly prophylactic regime of benzathine penicillin in rheumatic heart disease.
- Research Associate in a Multicentric trial. Evaluation of gugulipid in primary hyperlipidaemia KGMC & CDRI Lko.
- Principal investigator in SGPGI research scheme. Comparative evaluation of betablockers & calcium blockers on total ischaemic burden in stable angina pectoris.
- Principal investigator in SGPGI research scheme. Effect of CABG on total ischaemic burden by Ambulatory monitoring and its usefullness in predicting graft closure or stenosis.
- Co-investigator in SGPGI research scheme. Evaluation of ventricular diastolic and systolic functions in hypo & hyperthyroidism using doppler echocardiography.
- Co-supervisor in Thesis for MD Medicine 1986. Effect of addition of a venodilator, arteriodilator or a mixed dilator in chronic congestive heart failure
- Co-supervisor in Thesis for M.D. Medicine 1987. Evaluation of intravenous thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction.
- Co-supervisor in Thesis for MD Medicine 1990. A study of silent myocardial ischaemia in stable angina.
- Co-supervisor in Thesis for MD Medicine 1991. Etiology of chronic mitral regurgitation- A clinico echocardiographic study
- Principal investigator in SGPGI research scheme. "Use of Dopamine in prevention of contrast induced nephropathy- A randomised study.
- Use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in prevention of contrast induced nephropathy.
- Long term follow up of non specific Aorto arteritis and effect of combination immunosuppressive therapy in active disease.
- Guided two prestigious thesis for Phd in Biological sciences related to genetic polymorphisms noted in Coronary artery disease in the Indian subset. Dr Neha Sengar is presently carrying on her research work in Cedar Sinai Hospital , LA, California , USA while Dr Himanshu Rai is working in India in close collaboration with Munich Heart Centre, Germany .
- Gold Medal for Best Thesis in MD (Medicine).
- Nakul Sinha. Angiogenesis - Are we nearing the horizon. Medicine Update 2000:10;274-276.
- Nakul Sinha , Sudeep Kumar - Management of Pulmonary thromboembolism - Medicine Update 2002
- Nakul Sinha , Sudeep Kumar – Interventional strategies in management of coronary artery disease ISAH Update 2004.
- Nakul Sinha- Newer drugs in Congestive Heart Failure– Cardiology Update 2004.
- Nakul Sinha, Sudeep Kumar– ACEI vs ARB’s– will the ONTARGET trial stamp the final verdict– Cardiology Update 2005.
- Nakul Sinha, Sudeep Kumar- COX 2 Inhibitors and Heart– Medicine Update 2006.
- Have been contributing chapters in CARDIOLOGY UPDATE published by Cardiological Society of India for last 15 years.
- Book: Update on Interventional Cardiology released in 2011 March in a function by Dr L H OPIE , from Cape Town South Africa.
- Effect of Nicorandil versus ACEI in severe mitral regurgitation - a controlled trial. Amsterdam 1999, International conference on Cardiovascular parmacotherapy.
- Chag M.C., Sinha N.S., Goel P.K: Dipyridamole Echocardiography for Severity and location of Coronary Artery Disease.. CSI; 12/1992.
- Himanshu Rai, Farah Parveen, Sudeep Kumar, Aditya Kapoor, Nakul Sinha: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms and coronary artery disease: The largest meta-analysis till date involving 80 studies and 42,650 subjects.. ESC Congress 2014, Barcelona, Spain; 09/2014.
- Apo CIII (SstI) polymorphism and its relation with coronary artery disease in North Indians. Rai H, Kumar S, Sharma AK, Mastana S, Kapoor A, Pandey CM, Agrawal S, Sinha N: Accepted for Poster presentation at Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2012 held in London, UK, during 30th Mar-01st Apr 2012: Later withdrawn thus not published.
- Isolated low high density lipoprotein cholesterol in Indians: a comparative drug trial. Kumar S, Rai H, Tewari S, Kapoor A, Sinha N: Accepted for Poster presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- Efficacy and safety of nebivolol in patients with chronic stable angina in comparison to metoprolol. Kumar S, Rai H, Kapoor A, Tewari S, Sinha N: Accepted for Poster presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- Patterns and determinants of dyslipidemia in “Young†versus “Not so young†patients of CAD in north Indian population. Sinha N, Kumar S, Rai H, Saran RK, Bansal RK, Saxena PC, Sinha PR, Gupta PR, Mishra M, Jain P: Accepted for Oral presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- Polymer free Sirolimus eluting stent in combination with other stents in same patient- a single centre experience. Kumar S, Rai H, Kapoor A, Tewari S, Sinha N: Accepted for Poster presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- Lack of association between IL-1 beta +3953 polymorphism with coronary artery disease in Indian population. Rai H, Kumar S, Kapoor A, Sharma AK, Agrawal S, Sinha N: Accepted for Oral presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- Fractalkine Receptor (CX3CR1) polymorphism and the risk of coronary artery disease. Rai H, Singh N, Kumar S, Kapoor A, Agrawal S, Sinha N: Accepted for Oral presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- Lack of association between Glu298Asp polymorphism and coronary artery disease in north Indians. Rai H, Kumar S, Sharma AK, Kapoor A, Mastana S, Agrawal S, Sinha N: Accepted for Oral presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- IL-1 beta –511 C/T polymorphism as a risk factor for coronary artery disease in north Indian population. Rai H, Kumar S, Kapoor A, Sharma AK, Agrawal S, Sinha N: Accepted for Oral presentation in 16th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2011, held during July 23rd-26th 2011 in Vancouver BC, Canada and published in its abstract book.
- Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) - possible role of genetic inflammatory markers in north Indian population. Sinha N, Rai H, Singh N, Kumar S, Agarwal S: Accepted for poster presentation in the Annual European Society of Cardiology Congress 2010 (ESC congress 2010) held during 28th Aug to 01st Sep 2010 at Stockholm, Sweden and published in Eur Heart J. 2010;31(1):86.
- ABT-578 Drug Eluting Endeavor Stents- A Single Center (SGPGIMS) Experience from India. Sinha N, Kumar S, Kapoor A, Rai H, Singh N: Accepted for Oral presentation in the The World Congress on Controversies in Cardiovascular Diseases, Berlin, Germany, from July 03rd-06th, 2008: Later withdrawn thus not published.
- Life Member- Association of Physicians of India
- Life Member- Cardiological Society of India
- Ex-Secretary & Life Member of UP Chapter, Cardiological Society of India
- Member Executive Committee- Cardiological Society of India (2010-2012)
- Member Ethics Committee SGPGI and CDRI Lucknow
- Member- Governing Body and Institute Body, SGPGI
- Member Research Committee- RML Institute of Medical Sciences.
- Organising Secretary for Mid Term National Interventional Council Meeting Cardiological Society of India April 2005
- Organising Secretary of CARDICON– IXth Annual conference of UP Chapter of Cardiological Society of India held at SGPGI Feb 2003
- Member, Editorial Board of Indian Heart Journal
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