Dr. Nilesh Pagaria
Dental and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Raipur
- 1 Hospital
- Dr. Nilesh Pagaria is a consultant at Shri Krishna Hospital, Raipur
Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery
Maxillofacial Surgery
- Comprehensive rehabilitation of cleft and craniofacial deformity
- Management of paediatric craniofacial deformity
- Maxillofacial trauma management
- Dental implantology
- Hair restoration surgery
- Management of maxillofacial pathology
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery at Oxford Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore 1997- 2001
- Master of Dental Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from M.S.Ramaiah Dental College and hospital, Bangalore 2003-2006
- Fellowship in Cleft Craniofacial at GSR Institute of Cleft and Craniofacial Plastic Surgery, Hyderabad
- Fellowship in Hair Restoration surgery
- Fellowship in advanced Paediatric craniofacial surgery
Practice Information
Shri Krishna Hospital, Raipur
Main Road, New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, Chhatisgarh - 492001
Achievements & Contributions
- PublicationsApplication of Platelet rich Plasma (PRO) in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, M.S. Ramaiah Dental Journal
- LASER Assisted Fibrotomy in the Management of Oral submucus Fibrosis, Intl Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Suppl) 2007
- Afroze Unilateral Cheiloseptoplsty -Technical Note, Accepted for Publication in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
- Use of Collagen Membrane for Mandibular Vestibuloplasty, Maharastra state Dental Journal, 2010
- Mandibular vestibuloplasty, IDA Journal, 2010
- Conferences9th Midterm Conference of AOMSI, Dharwad, 2004
- 30th Annual AOMSI conference, Nagpur 2004
- FACE 2005 at Annamalai University
- 31st Annual AOMSI conference, Jaipur 2005
- 32nd Annual AOMSI conference, Kolkata 2006
- 18th ICOMS, Bangalore 2007
- 8Th National conference of ISCLPA, Pondichery 2009
- WorkshopsCourse on Orthognathic Surgery, Dharwad 2003
- Craniofacial Surgery Workshop, Chennai 2004
- Craniofacial Distraction, Chennai 2005
- Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery, Hubli 2003
- Implants by Sulzar Medica, Bangalore 2003
- Implants by Life Care Bangalore 2004
- BTLS course 2005
- Esthetic Rhinoplasty at GSR Institute 2008
- Esthetic Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty at Vizag 2010
- Hair Restoration workshop in 2010
- Microvascular Surgery for Head and Neck Reconstruction at Mumbai 2011
- ResearchUse of Impacted posts/polyethelene tube as a fixation method after vestibuloplasty, Post graduate thesis
- Use of Phi (Golden Proportion) For Evaluation of Orthognathic Patients
- 2 D and 3 D analysis to assess the out comes of Afroze unilateral cheiloseptoplasty
- Colgate Palmolive award 2001 for securing highest marks in periodontia during final BDS exam. First rank April 2006 exam of MDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, conducted by RGUHS
- Lefevre Syndrome - A Case report, Presented at the IDA students Conference at Bangalore in 2001
- Use of Temporoparietal Fascia in the Management of Composite Facial Defect -A case Report at The 9th Midterm Conference of The AOMSI, Held at Dharwad 2004
- Golden 1 Platinum 10, at 30th Annual Conference of AOMSI at Nagpur, 2004
- Poster presented on Mandibular Osteotomy Evolution at 31st AOMSI Annual Conference held at Jaipur in 2005
- Phicial Esthetics at FACE 2005 held at Annamalai University
- Orbital Trauma and Its Management at M.S.Ramaiah DentalCollege, at 31st AOMSI Annual Conference held at Jaipur in 2005
- Laser Assisted Fibrotomy in the Management of Oral submucus fibrosis presented at 32nd Annual Conference of AOMSI held at Kolkata in 2006
- Guest Lecture on Use of LASERS in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery delivered in CME held at Hitkarini Dental College Jabalpur in 2007
- LASER Fibrotomy in the management of OSMF-review of 60 cases, presented at the ICOMS 2007 held at Bangalore 2007
- Autotransplantation of Teeth, IDA meet, Jabalpur
- 2 D and 3 D analysis to assess the out comes of Afroze unilateral cheiloseptoplasty, presented at the 8Th National conference of ISCLPA, Pondichery 2009
- Poster presented on Orbital Hypertelorism Correction at the 8Th National conference of ISCLPA, Pondichery 2009
- Poster presentation on Pfiefer wavy incision for the management of craniofacial Clefts at the 8Th National conference of ISCLPA, Pondichery 2009
- Member of Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons of India (AOMSI)
- ISCLPCA, Indian Dental Association, Raipur
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