Dr.Prof. Pranab Dey
Pathologist, Chandigarh
MBBS, MD, FRC (Path)
- Fine needle aspiration cytology
- Image morphometry
- Artificial neural network
- DNA flow cytometry
MBBS, 1982, R G Kar Medical College
MD, 1988, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
FRC (Path), 2006, Royal Collge of Pathologists, London
Practice Information
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Sector-12, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160012
Achievements & Contributions
- Babu N, Mani NBS and Dey P. Fine needle aspiration cytologydiagnosis of pulmonary metastasisfrom giant-cell tumour of bone. Cytopathology. 2002 Aug;13(4):256-7
- Mohanty SK, Dey P. Fine needle aspiration cytology ofmetastatic epithelioidleiomyosarcoma:A diagnostic dillema. (letter to the editor) Cytopathology.2003Dec;14(6):351-2.
- Mohanty SK, Dey P.and R K Vashishta. Letter To The EditorCytologic DiagnosisOf Follicular Dendritic Cell Tumor ¿ A DiagnosticDilemma. DiagnCytopathol. 2003 Dec;29(6):368-9.
- Kar R, Mohanty SK, Dey P. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ofBilateralMammaryFibroadenoma with Multinucleated Stromal Giant Cells. DiagnCytopathol. 2005 Apr;32(4):247-248.
- Dey P, Jogai S , Amir T.:Fine needle aspiration cytology ofMerkel cellcarcinoma ( Letterto the Editor). Diagn Cytopathol. 2004 Nov;31(5):364-365
- Kirti G, Dey P, Das A. Cytomorphological features of ametastaticmyoepithelialcarcinoma arising in a minor salivary gland. Diagn Cytopathol. 2005Jul;33(1):56-7.
- Dey P, Jassar A, Amir T,Jogai S. Letter to the Editor: Fine needle aspiration cytology ofIntramammary reactive lymph node. Acta Cytologica (in press)
- Gupta R, Dey P, Jain V, Gupta N. Cervical tuberculosis onPapanicolaou¿s stained smear: case report with review ofliterature. Diagn Cytopathol (in press)
- Arora SK, Samanta S, Dey P. Letter to the editor: Epithelioid Cell Granuloma in CSF Cytology. Cytopathol (in press)
- Adhya AK, Dey P,?Letter to the editor: Cytologic detection of urinary tracttuberculosis¿. Acta Cytologica (in press).
- Jasleen Kaur, Pranab Dey, Ashim Das. Letter to the editor: Fine needle aspiration cytology of undifferentiated (embryonal) sarcoma of liver in an adult male. Diagn Cytopathol (in press).
- Banik T, Dey P. Letter to the Editor: Signet ring cell carcinoma of the cervix on cervical smear. Diagn Cytopathol (in press).
- Banwad A, Dey P, Shivalingam J.Letter to the Editor ¿Metastatic of mature component in a treated case of immature teratoma diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology of the liver?. Diagn Cytopathol (in press).
- Agrawal P, Banik T, Dey P. Fine needle aspiration cytology of calcinosis cutis. ?. Diagn Cytopathol (in press).
- Banik T, Halder D, Gupta N, Dey P. Malignant mixed Müllerian tumor of the uterus: Diagnosis of a case by fine-needle aspiration cytology and review of literature. Diagn Cytopathol. 2011 Apr 6.
- Member of international academy of cytologists ( MIAC)
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MBBS, MD (Pathology), Ph.D