Dr. Rajat Ray
Psychiatrist, Delhi
MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)
Practice Information
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Ansari Nagar, Delhi, Delhi - 110029
Achievements & Contributions
- H.Pal, R. Ray and Braham Prakash: Relapse precipitants in opiate addiction: Assessment in Community Treatment Setting. Indian Journal of Psychiatry (2000) 42, 253-257.
- K. Ballakoor, R. Ray, S. Dube, R. Jain, M. Vaswani and A. Dhawan: An experimental study of tolerance among alcohol dependent individuals. Indian Journal of Medical Research (2001), 113, 26-31.
- R. Ray: Addiction Treatment: Theory and Practice. (Book Review). The National Medical Journal of India (2001), 14, 115-116.
- R.Ray and P. Bajaj. Addiction in the Elderly. Quarterly Bulletin of Geriatric Services. Special Issue. G. S. Medical College, Mumbai 2001, 21-28.
- R.K.L.Singh, Raka Jain, R. Ray and Y. K. Gupta: Abuse liability of diazepam through different routes. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (2001) 45, 181-190.
- P.S.Prasad, R. Ray, R. Jain and B. S. Chavan: Abuse liability of nitrazepam: A study among experienced drug user. Indian Journal of Pharmacology (2001), 33, 357-362.
- H. R. Pal, N. Berrry, S. Rajesh and R. Ray: Ketamine Dependence: Case Report and Brief Review. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (2002), 30(3), 382-384.
- H. Pal, S. Yadav, P. S. Joy, S. Mehta and R. Ray: Treatment non-seeking in alcohol users-A community based study from North India. Journal of Studies on Alcohol (2003), 64,631-633.
- R. Jain, and R. Ray: Blocking of Enhanced Sensitivity to Behavioural Effects of Naloxone Induced by Narcotic Agonists in Rats. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. (2003), 47,407-414.
- R. Ray, H. Pal, R. Kumar, P. Maulick and R. Mangla. Post-marketing surveillance of buprenorphine. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (2004), 13, 615-619.
- R. Ray (Editor). Substance Use Disorder: A Manual for Physicians. Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, AIIMS, 2000.
- R. Ray, I. Gupta, D. Dutt, A. Dhawan and H. K. Sharma. Illegal Drug Market in Delhi. De-Addiction Centre, AIIMS and UNDCP, 2001.
- R. Ray: (Editor). Women and Drug Abuse: The Problem in India. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and United Nations International Drug Control Programme, 2002.
- R. Ray (Editor). Rapid Assessment Survey of drug Abuse in India. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and United Nations International Drug Control Programme, 2002.
- R. Ray (Editor). Drug Abuse Monitoring System- A Profile of Treatment Seekers. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and United Nations International Drug Control Programme, 2002.
- R. Ray (Editor). Drug Abuse among Prison Population, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and United Nations International Drug Control Programme, 2002.
- R. Ray & S. Malhotra. Sensitization to Drugs of Abuse. In Trends in Clinical Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine. Association of Clinical Biochemist of India, (2003).655-659.
- R.Ray (Principal author and Scientific Editor) The Extent, Pattern and Trends of Drug Abuse in India: National Survey. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2004.
- R.Ray (Editor). Injecting Drug Use and HIV/AIDS in India-An Emerging Concern, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2004.
- R.Ray. Substance Abuse and the Growth of De addiction Centres: The Challenge of Our Times. In Mental Health, An Indian Perspective, 1946-2003, S. P. Agarwal et. al. (Ed.) Elsevier, New Delhi. (2004). 284-289.
- R. Ray, R. Jain, M. Mongia & R. Kumar. Substance Abuse in Young People: Biological Considerations. In Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Need and Strategies for Intervention. S. Malhotra et. al. (Ed.). CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi. (2005). 82-87.
- Life Full members of Delhi psychiatric Society
- Member of the executive council of the National Institute of Social Defence, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, May 2005
- Member of global expert group to develop worldwide network of Addiction Training Resource Centres. UNODC, Vienna and UCLA, USA, August 2005
- Member of global expert group – Technical Guideline Development Group to develop pharmacological intervention for Opiate Dependence, WHO, Geneva, November 2005
- Member, International Advisory Board of the Journal “Mental Healthand Substance Use- Dual Diagnosis†March 2007-onwards
- Member and Chairperson of the Technical Resource Group (TRG), to develop intervention of IDUs. NACO, Government of India, September 2006
- 2007-Member Sub-Committee, Postgraduate Medical Education, Medical Council of India
- 2007-Member of Expert Advisory Panel, Punjab State Planning Board, Govt. of Punjab
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