Dr.V.K. Grover
Anesthesiologist, Chandigarh
MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia), MNAMS
- Neuro anaesthesia
- Anaestheisa for renal transplant
- Clinical care
MBBS, 1975, Kurukshetra University
MD (Anaesthesia), 1978, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
MNAMS, 1980, National Academy of Medical Sciences
Practice Information
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Sector-12, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160012
Achievements & Contributions
- Comparison of respiratory and haemodynamic parameters in patients undergoing laparoscopy under different anaesthetic techniques.
- Efficacy of human tetanus immunoglobulins in management of tetanus patients
- Study of effect of cranial surgery and brain tumour size and location on emergence from anaesthesia.
- Comparison of intraoperative epidural midazolam and bupivacaine for pain relief after spinal surgery.
- Evaluation of the effects of different doses of Intrathecal Fentanyl with small doses of dilute bupivacaine in day care surgeries.
- Comparison of haemodynamic effects of vecuronium and rocuronium in patients undergoing closed cardiac surgery.
- Vinod K Grover, Indu Bala, Someshwar S Bandi, Rajesh Mahajan, Virender K Khosla. Changes in intracranial pressure in various positions of the head in anaesthetized patients. Bahrain Medical Bulletin 25: 159-162 (2003)
- Vinod K. Grover, Rajesh Mahajan, Monish Tomar. Class Zero airway and Laryngoscopy. Anesthesia Analgesia. Vol 96: 911 (2003)
- Rajesh Mahajan, V.K. Grover, Pramila Chari. Caudal neostigmine with bupivacaine produces a dose independent analgesic effect in children. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 51: 702-706 (2004)
- Rajesh Mahajan, Vinod Kumar Grover. Intubating conditions associated with the Mallampati “class zero†airway. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 52: 891 (2005)
- Vinod K. Grover, Manoj K.Tiwari. Rajesh Mahajan. Cranial Surgery: Impact of tumour size and location on emergence from Anaesthesia. Journal of Anaesthesiology – Clinical Pharmacology 23:263-268 (2007)
- V.K.Grover, Tej.K.Kaul, Deep Venous Thrombosis – An underestimated Complication – an editorial. Journal of Anaesthesiology – Clinical Pharmacology 24:1-2 (2008)
- Vinod K. Grover, Preety J. Mathew, Rajesh Mahajan, Pramila Chari. QT Interval Changes During Isoflurane and Halothane Anaesthesia in Adults. Journal of Anesthesiology – Clinical Pharmacology 24:177-182 (2008)
- Vinod K. Grover, Neerja Bhardwaj, Upasna Goswami, yashpal Sharma. Frequency of Ischaemic Changes and Arrhythmias During Upper Airway Endoscopy. Journal of Anesthesiology – Clinical Pharmacology 25:157-160 (2009)
- V.K. Grover, P.J. Mathew, H. Hegde. Efficacy of disintegrating ondansetron in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomised, double-blind placebo controlled study. Anaesthesia 64: 595-600 (2009)
- Grover V K, Mathew P J, Yaddanapudi S, Sehgal S, A Single dose of Preoperative Gabapentin for pain reduction and requirement of morphine after total mastectomy and Axillary dissection: Randomised Placebo - Controlled Double blind - trial. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 55: 257-260 (2009)
- Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences
- Member, Indian society of Anaesthesiologists
- Member, Neurological Society of India (Member Executive Committee 1987-90)
- Member, Research Society of Anaesthesiology - Clinical Pharmacology (Member Executive Committee 1986-88)
- Member, Indian Society for Study of Pain
- Associate Editor, Neurology India (official journal of Neurological Society of India) from 1999-2000
- Member- International Society of Trauma, Anaesthesia & Critical Care Indian Chapter
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