Incidence of Breast Cancer Has Ethnic Origins

Incidence of Breast Cancer Has Ethnic Origins

With breast cancer having assumed epidemic proportions in developed nations like USA and UK wherein statistics have revealed as being the second leading and leading form of cancer amongst women, it is but natural for scientists and commoners alike to take an interest in its cause. Out of several research studies conducted pertaining to this condition, a revelation that has recently emerged is that in UK it is more rampant in women hailing from the white race than those who have their roots in black and South-Asian communities.

This study began as a part of the ‘Million Women Study’ program conducted by Oxford University wherein female UK residents at the 50 or above age-group mark were checked for breast cancer. The statistics compiled as a result were not as alarming, the rate being 18% and 15% respectively lower for South-Asian and black women than the feminine members of the white race. But these figures underwent a drastic increase when other factors like reproductive cycles and lifestyle habits were brought into the picture.

As far as reproductive cycles are concerned, white women have fewer children as compared to their South-Asian and black counterparts and also breastfeed their children for a shorter duration. In addition to these, additional factors that go against them are the high frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption as also presence of this medical condition in their genetic history. Therefore, when a startling result of 1 amongst 8 women suffering from breast cancer is released, it should be understood as a cumulative effect of all these points.

Comparatively most of the black and South-Asian women who are first generation immigrants undergo multiple pregnancies, follow the breast-feeding schedule meticulously, are not very tall and enjoy a lower body mass index courtesy of plenty of exercise that household work entails. Moreover, they are products of a culture that does not encourage use of alcohol especially amongst women and owing to these reasons are less susceptible to developing carcinoma of the breast. However, their successive generations which adopt the ways of the western culture fall into a higher risk category due to having deviated from the norm.

Even though there has been a vast improvement in survival rates amongst breast cancer patients, no form of treatment has been known to compare with maintaining a healthy lifestyle that entails regular exercise, wholesome diet and imbibing less alcohol. Checking the breast every once in a while is also imperative and any change must be followed through till its cause has been pinpointed and satisfactorily proven.