Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons in India

Dr. Sandipan Gupta
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MBBS, M.S.(Gen.Surgery), M.Ch.(Plastic Surgery)
- Kolkata
- 47 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
Dr. Srinjoy Saha
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MS (Cal), MRCS Edin(UK), M Ch(Plast)
- Kolkata
- 21 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals

Dr. Manish Mukul Ghosh
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MBBS, MD, MS, FRCS, FRCS (Plastic Surgery)
- Kolkata
- 24 Years Experience
- 4 Hospitals

Dr. Siddhartha Biswas
Surgical Oncologist, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MBBS (Gold Medalist), MS ( Surgery), F.A.I.S, D.N.B (Surgery), M.N.A.M.S, F.I.M.S.A; MRCS (Edin), M.Ch.(Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)
- Kolkata
- 4 Hospitals
- 1 Recommendation

Dr.B.C. Roy
ENT and Head & Neck Surgeon, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Guwahati
- 20 Years Experience
- 3 Hospitals
- 3 Recommendations

Dr. Pradeep Saxena
Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Bhopal
- 39 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
Dr. Lokesh Bora
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MS, M.Ch ( Plastic surgery,Mumbai )
- Haldwani
- 20 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- 1 Recommendation

Dr. Lurstep Wanshnong
Head and Neck Surgical Oncologist, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MBBS, MS General Surgery
- Shillong
- 26 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital

Dr.(Prof) Vikesh Agrawal
Pediatric Urologist, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Jabalpur
- 26 Years Experience
- 1 Private Practice