“Dr Satyen Mehta with Dr Deepak Sawant, Member of Legislative Assembly in charge of Public Health and Family Welfare, Govt. Of Maharashtra.”

Welcome to www.spinespecialist.co.in. Spine related problems are becoming increasingly common in our society. With advancements in technology and medical facilities we are able to treat spinal problems with increasing efficiency. This website is an effort by Dr Satyen Mehta to guide you in your understanding of common spine pathologies. We have attempted to provide you with information in common day-to-day language. In case you need any further information please feel free to fix up an appointment with him.
Dr Satyen Mehta is a Consultant Spine Surgeon, practicing in major hospitals in Mumbai, India. He has received extensive and specialized training in treating spinal disorders from Australia, South Korea and India. He has also qualified for surgical practice from the United Kingdom. His main interest lies in microscopic (minimally invasive) spine surgery. To know more about him click on the box with his name above.
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