What are The Tests a Gynae Would Suggests You?

What are The Tests a Gynae Would Suggests You?

The moment you hit puberty, it is a good idea to schedule regular visits to a gynae. There are so many diseases that can be caught early and treated successfully if you follow this advice. Cervical cancer has become very prevalent among women and a regular gynaecological exam and check-up can catch this disease early, allowing you to get treated quickly and effectively.

Many times gynae suggests tests and you should never ignore these tests. They are for your own good and wellbeing.

6 Common Tests a Gynae would Suggests

The tests suggested by a gynaecologist are usually classified into two main categories - routine and at risk tests. Some of the routine tests that you may have to undergo are as follows:

1. CBC (Complete Blood Count)

Complete Blood Count is one of the most common tests that gynaecologists request. It checks the haemoglobin and the haematocrit along with the platelet count. Putting it simple, it measures the potential for anemia in the patient. The test is important for pregnant women because of the heavy blood loss during delivery. A low platelet count can be fatal during labour.

2. Blood type and Rh Status

The blood test is done to check for Rh status as well as an antibody screen. It is important to identify Rh negative patients in advance to take precautionary steps during delivery and avoid Rh sensitization.

3. Urine Screen

Urine screening is usually done to check for any infections in the urinary tract, commonly referred as UTIs. However, sometimes urine screening also picks up the renal function abnormalities, like excess protein or sugar. Many women, especially pregnant women, are susceptible to UTIs. Screening for UTIs also helps the doctor to determine antibiotic sensitivity.

4. Rubella Screen

Advent of latest vaccinations has reduced the risk of rubella among pregnant ladies. However, precaution is always better than cure. A rubella screening can help a pregnant woman take necessary precautions if she doesn’t have immunity to rubella. Also, rubella is highly transmittable to the foetal and can be fatal for the developing baby.

5. Syphilis Screen

This is another important test that cannot be missed among women who are sexually active and have multiple sex partners. It is important to diagnose syphilis test, as it can lead to brain damage which results in dementia and changes in the personality. Today, syphilis and other STDs can easily be diagnosed and treated if you visit a gynae regularly.

6. Pap Smear

A Pap smear test helps to diagnose precancerous changes occurring in the cervix. If required, a cervix biopsy might be performed for detailed diagnosis. The test is important to prevent the occurrence of Chlamydia and gonorrhoea, both sexually transmitted diseases.

In addition to these tests, there are also other tests, such as Hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS that a gynae may recommend. If any kind of abnormality is diagnosed in any test, you might be required to go through detailed screening, so that the specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and plan out the course of treatment.

Reviewed By:

Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)

Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad