What Can You Do with a Public Health Degree?
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Ah alright – who likes gobbling down a handful of painkillers and asking everybody to go ‘shut’ just when you’ve been pounced upon by a debilitating headache? We know nobody does. While taking a nippy nap or a pain reliever is the quickest way to kill that headache, you may still feel a dearth of something better and something even simpler. Yes, taking a pill is equally simpler but hold on – we have better ways to help you deal with that pain. You can also try doing botox for treating migraines.
Listed below are the top 5 simple ways that not just help batter those irksome headaches but also help you save your time on that little clock behind. Take a look – after all, you wouldn’t really want to put an ‘out for lunch’ sign on your door knob, would you?
Sounds pretty familiar, isn’t it? Talk about beating headaches and you’ll hear ‘hot shower’ as one of the most effective stress relieving activities. Huh, you need not really explain what exactly triggers your migraine since we can understand it all – be it your assiduous work schedule, paying attention to your homely chores or personal problems that generally put you on a pedestal. While some may do the trick and strike a perfect balance between their personal and professional fronts, many get harrowed and worn on about the same (and we seriously don’t pass the bucks to them for any reason). But, we can definitely convince them with this little trick of taking a warm or hot shower as an effective way to prevent those full blown migraine headaches. So yes, try to indulge yourself in a relaxing bath or shower for about fifteen or twenty minutes – this will not just ensure a complete relaxation process, but will also help you feel a lot better.
Yes, we know it’s little hard to push yourself and step out when a migraine hits you. However, it’s extremely crucial to get some sunshine and fresh air outdoors to combat your migraine. Whether you prefer taking those baby steps or usual walking steps, make sure to go out for a brisk walk. It will seriously help you counter your headache while adding some physical and mental health benefits to your life.
Okay, we know ‘not catching forty winks’ is thoroughly different from what most of us have grown up hearing but as a matter of fact – it’s true guys. Although many would be incognizant of, not hugging the bed straight after you get a headache is one of the best things that you can do. Yes, we have heard it too that copping some z’s relieves a headache but ‘staying away from bed sleep’ will rather help you form an effective strategy to combat a headache. However, make it a point to cut back a lit bit on your errands of the day (although you can slacken off and relax for a while or treat yourself with some rejuvenating home spa items).
Another simple yet effective thing that you may try for preventing your headache is to – apply some heating pad or cold compress on the base of your neck, head or back. This will not just alleviate the symptoms of your headache, but will also provide you complete relaxation from everything that’s hustling or stressful. You can also listen to some relaxing music to pacify your pain.
Last but not the least; try to indulge in some light yoga postures or exercises that zero in on alleviating the pain in your body. Apart from rendering deep relaxation and relief from aches, yoga has widely been revered for helping people stay serene and calmed down. Thus, ensure to do some light yoga everyday as part of your lifestyle. Also, since headaches tend to get worsened by eye strain, you should ensure to proffer enough rest to your eyes. Make it a point to give yourself fifteen minutes of pure darkness by closing your eyes off and simply unwinding from everything around. It will help for sure!