Dear Doctor: ?

Dear Patient: Dear Mr. DInanath
If your daughter is a diagnosed case of Allergic Rhinitis then we do not have a curative medicine for the disroder. She needs to change the lifestyle and avoid allergens. Kindly go through the following points for your issue.
1. Avoidance of allergens: Her room should be Wet mopped. No jharu.
2. Bed Linen: Her bed linen should be washed every alternate day with near boiling water. This will kill the mites and other allergens. She should not participate in changing bed linen or should not be present their.
3. Humid environment is good for her. Take care during seasonal changes. Take plenty of water and fruits.
4. You can give her Monteleukast & Levocetrizine combination by consulting any ENT surgeon or a consultant physician.
5. So far as the fibrotic lesion is concerned, fibrosis is a chronic process of damaged tissue replacement caused due to some any initial insult. No need to worry of the amount of fibrosis is not huge. She might had contracted any chronic Lung disease in childhood e.g. TB which is common in India.
Immunotherpay are the latest advances and you can check the internet by typing OMALIZUMAB. It is damn costly

This question has been answered by

Dr. Tanoy Bose

Dr. Tanoy Bose


MBBS. MD (Medicine)



Respected Doctor
Thanks for your valuable advice and sparing valuable time to clear my doubt