BM Birla Hospital in Kolkata specialises in Cardiac Care which caters to a wide spectrum of heart ailments in children and adults, the hospital has been tendering quality patient care, diagnosis, treatment, and research of cardiovascular diseases for almost 30 years.
BM Birla Hospital doctors list has a multi disciplinary team of cardiologists, pediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons who help patients meet the challenges of heart disease with a variety of skilled approaches.
We have 20 doctors listed in B.M. Birla Heart Research Centre with comprehensive information about the doctor including qualification, experience,
education, procedures and conditions treated, expertise and more. You can search B.M. Birla Heart Research Centre doctors list by name or speciality.
Here are details by speciality: Cardiology (13), Interventional Cardiology (5), Cardiac Surgery (1), Psychiatry (1), Pediatric Cardiology (1), ENT (Otolaryngology) (1), Cardiothoracic Surgery (1), Cardiovascular Surgery (1), Endocrinology (1), Diabetology (1), Pediatrics & Neonatology (1).
If any doctor that you know who is working in B.M. Birla Heart Research Centre is not listed here, please email us at ''.
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