Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has several speciality clinics like Adolescent Clinic, Colorectal Clinic, Uro- Gynecology Clinic and High Risk Pregnancy Clinic to name a few. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital doctors list consists of a multidisciplinary group of experts who strive to provide the highest quality of service to each and every patient and their family.
Ganga Ram Hospital doctors use treatment approaches and technologies that are constantly evolving, providing patients with a growing array of medications, therapies and tools to diagnose and attack the disease.
We have 410 doctors listed in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) with comprehensive information about the doctor including qualification, experience,
education, procedures and conditions treated, expertise and more. You can search Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) doctors list by name or speciality.
Here are details by speciality: Anesthesiology (42), Cardiology (23), Obstetrics and Gynecology (19), Laparoscopic Surgery (18), Orthopedic Surgery (16), General & Laparoscopic Surgery (16), Pediatrics (15), General Surgery (15), ENT (Otolaryngology) (14), Ophthalmology (14), Gynecology (14), General Medicine (13), Critical Care (12), Urology (12), Gastroenterology (11), Psychiatry (11), Genetics (11), Pathology (11), Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery (10), Neurology (10), Joint Replacement Surgery (10), Liver Transplant (9), Spine Surgery (9), Dermatology (Skin) (9), Dentistry (9), Robotic Surgery (9), Interventional Cardiology (8), Neurosurgery (8), Plastic Surgery (8), Orthopedics (8), Hematology (8), Nephrology (7), Surgical Gastroenterology (7), Chest Physician (7), Neonatology (7), Micro-Biology (6), Arthroscopy (6), Pulmonology (6), Vascular Surgery (6), Minimal Access Surgery (6), Bariatric Surgery (6), Bio-Chemistry (6), Pediatric Cardiology (6), Diabetology (5), Cosmetic Surgery (5), Hepatology (5), Endoscopy (5), Nuclear Medicine (5), Homeopathy (5), Endocrinology (4), Hip Replacement Surgery (4), Knee Surgery (4), Radiology (4), Fetal Medicine (4), Rheumatology (4), Gyneac Oncology (4), Uro Oncology (4), Pediatric Surgery (4), Pain Management (3), Neuroanesthesiology (3), Pediatric Orthopedics (3), Renal Transplant (3), Cardiac Surgery (3), Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery (3), Andrology (3), Clinical Psychology (3), Breast Surgery (2), Emergency Medicine (2), Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Surgery (2), Pediatric Intensive Care (2), Cardiac Anesthesia (2), Orthodontics (2), Cosmetic Dentistry (2), Minimally Invasive Surgery (2), Gastrointestinal Surgery (2), Endocrine Surgery (2), HIV Medicine (2), Gynaecological Endoscopy (2), IVF & Infertility (2), Interventional Radiology (2), Pediatric Nephrology (2), Pediatric Neurology (2), Occupational Therapy (2), Pediatric Urology (2), Neonatal Surgery (2), Pediatric Neurosurgery (2), Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia (2), Trauma Surgery (2), Hepatobiliary Surgery (1), Obesity (1), Medical Oncology (1), Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (1), Respiratory Allergic Diseases (1), Pediatric Pulmonology (1), Pediatric Anesthesia (1), Immunology (1), Prosthodontics (1), Pediatric Dentistry (1), Implantology (1), Oral and maxillofacial surgery (1), Infectious Diseases (1), Pediatrics & Neonatology (1), Interventional Neuroradiology (1), Neurophysiology (1), Interventional Neurosurgery (1), Urogynecology (1), Embryology (1), Liver Hepatology (1), Acupuncture (1), Ayurveda (1), ENT and Head & Neck Surgery (1), Audiology and Speech Therapy (1), Reconstructive Surgery (1), Kidney Transplantation (1), Surgical Oncology (Cancer Surgery) (1), Sleep Medicine (1), Hair Transplantation (1), Cosmetology (1), Pediatric Rheumatology (1), Child Psychiatry (1), Pediatric Intensivist (1), Sports Medicine (1), Psychology (1), Electrophysiology (1), Interventional Pulmonology (1), Family Medicine (1), Clinical Genetics (1), Pediatric gastroenterology (1), EndoUrology (1), Cardiothoracic Surgery (1), Maxillofacial Surgery (1), Diabetic Foot Surgery (1).
If any doctor that you know who is working in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) is not listed here, please email us at ''.
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