Dr. Neeraj Baheti
Neurologist, Nagpur
MD, DNB, DM, Neuro Fellowship in Epilepsy
- 16 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- Languages : English, Hindi
- Pediatric Epilepsy Syndrome
- Video-EEG Monitoring
- Neurointensive Care
- Intraoperative Monitoring
- Medically Refractory Epilepsy
- Electrophysiology
MBBS, 2000, Amravati University
MD, 2006, Shivaji University
DNB, Shivaji University
D.M. (Neuro), 2009, Sri Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Triavndrum
Practice Information
Dr. Baheti's Clinic, Nagpur
Vishal Towers, Besides Nagsen Vidyalaya, 10 No. Puliya Chowk, Kamptee Road, Bezonbagh, Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440014
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Dr. G.M. Taori Central India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur
88/2, Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440010
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
08:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- Baheti NN, Sreedharan M, Krishnamoorthy T, Nair MD, Radhakrishnan K. Eosinophilic meningitis and an ocular worm in a patient from Kerala, south India. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2008;79:271.
- Gupta D, Nair M, Baheti NN, Sarma SP, Kuruvilla A. Electrodiagnostic and Clinical Aspects of Guillain–Barre´ Syndrome: An Analysis of 142 Cases. J Clin Neuromusc Dis 2008;10:42–51.
- Cherian A, Baheti NN, Kuruvilla A. Muscle Channelopathies and electrophysiological Approach. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2008;11:20-7
- Cherian A, Thomas B, Baheti NN, Chhemmanam T, Kesavadas C. Concepts and Controversies in Nonketotic Hyperglycemia-Induced Hemichorea: Further Evidence from Susceptibility-Weighted MR Imaging. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2009;29:699–703.
- Baheti NN, Bansal A, Rathore C, Kesavdas C. Teaching NeuroImages: Diaschisis Is it always reversible? Neurology Apr 2009; 72: e79.
- Parale GP, Baheti NN, Kulkarni PM, Panchal NV. Effects of atorvastatin on higher functions. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2006 Apr;62(4):259-65.
- Baheti NN, Cherian A, Wattamwar PR, Kesavadas C, Thomas B. Ischemic Hyperintensities on T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging of patients with stroke - New insights from Susceptibility Weighted Imaging. Neurol India. 2010;58:90-94.
- Baheti NN, Hassan H, Rathore C, Krishnan S, Kesavadas C. Acquired Hepatolenticular Degeneration- Is the T1 hyperintensity due to manganese deposition? Neurol India 2009 Nov-Dec;57(6):812-3.
- Hassan H, Das A, Baheti NN, Radhakrishnan A. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension – MRI features. Neurology 2010 Feb 16;74(7):e24.
- Bansal A, Baheti NN, Rathore C, Kesavdas C. Adrenoleukodystrophy presenting as raised intracranial pressure. Neurology 2010;74:e93.
- Baheti NN, Cherian A, Kate MP, Krishnan S, Thomas B. Intracerebral hemorrhages in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease. Neurol India. 2009 Nov-Dec;57(6):815-7.
- Gopinath M, Cherian A, Baheti NN, Das A, Antony M, Sarada C. An elusive diagnosis: Scedosporium apiospermum Infection after Near-drowning. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2010;13:213-5.
- Baheti NN, Manuel D, Shinde P, Nair MD, Radhakrishnan A. Hyperreflexic Guillain Barré syndrome. Ann Indian Acad Neurol [in press].
- Baheti NN, Krishnan S, Kesavdas C, Thomas B, Radhakrishnan A. Stroke-like episodes in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Neurol India 2010;58:797-9.
- Wattamwar PR, Baheti NN, Radhakrishnan A. Idiopathic Intracranial hypertension presenting as unilateral papilledema. Neurol India 2010;58:818-9.
- Baheti NN, Cherian A, Menon R, Radhakrishnan A. Teaching Neuroimages - Hypothalamic hamartoma- an overlooked entity. Neurology [in press].
- Menon R, Baheti NN, Cherian A, Iyer RS. An interesting presentation of Jeavons syndrome due to inappropriate antiepileptic medication. Neurol India [in press].
- Baheti NN, Nair MD, Thomas SV. Long term outcome in Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Ann Indian Acad Neurol [in Press].
- Wattamwar PR, Baheti NN, Kesavdas C, Nair MD, Radhakrishnan A. Evolution and long term outcome in patients presenting with Large Demyelinating Lesions as their first clinical event. J Neurol Sci. 2010 Oct 15;297(1-2):29-35.
- Baheti NN, Cherian A, Menon R, Radhakrishnan A. The anxious nursing instructor who couldn’t help stuttering. Lancet [in press]
- Menon R, Baheti NN, Cherian A, Radhakrishnan A. Epilepy with Myoclonic absences a distinct electroclinical syndrome. Neurology [in press].
- Baheti NN, Cherian A, Menon R, Radhakrishnan A. Ictal Swearing in Anterior Cingulate Seizures. Epileptic disorders [under review].
- Cherian A, Baheti NN, Menon R, Radhakrishnan A. Atypical Benign Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (ABECTS) - a distinct electro-clinical syndrome. Pediatrics [under review].
- Cherian A, Baheti NN, Menon R, Iyer RS. Hemispheric intracranial lipoma- look under the carpet. Neurol India [in press].
- Menon R, Baheti NN, Cherian A, Iyer R, Rathore C, Radhakrishnan A. Postirradiation cavernoma with refractory seizures- A report of two cases and review of literature. Seizure [under review].
- Kashyap RS,Morey S, Bhullar S, Baheti NN, et al. Determination of Toll-Like Receptor-Induced Cytokine Profiles in the Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Chikungunya Patients. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2014;21(6):338-46.
- Dubey R, Chakrabarty B, Gulati S, Sharma S, Deopujari D, Baheti NN, et al., Leukodystrophy presenting as acute onset polyradiculoneuropathy. Pediatr Neurol. 2014 Jun;50(6):616-8.
- Baheti NN, Kabra D, Chandak NH, Lad P. Afebrile seizure in toddlers – Don't forget camphor. International Journal of Epilepsy. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijep.2014.07.002.
- Baheti NN, Kabra D, Chandak NH, Mehta B D, Agrawal RR. Reversible onychomadesis following exposure to carbamazepine. Neurol India 2015;63:120-2.
- Baheti NN, Ranjith N, Verghese T, Raju BP, Kesavadas C, Mathuranath PS. Cognitive and volumetric evolution of Alzheimer’s Disease from Mild cognitive impairment. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2008;11 (Suppl 2): S174.
- Wattamwar PR, Baheti NN, Kesavdas C, Radhakrishnan A. Evolution and long term outcome in patients presenting with Tumefactive Demyelination. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2009;11 (Suppl 1): S121.
- Hassan H, Baheti NN, Radhakrishnan A. Long-term outcome in myasthenia gravis patients. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2009;11 (Suppl 1): S54.
- Bansal A, Baheti NN, Radhakrishnan A, Alexander A, Radhakrishnan K. Patients’ response on viewing their own seizures after long-term video-EEG monitoring and its impact on neuropsychological outcome. Epilepsia 2009;50(S 11): S279.
- Baheti NN, Kishore A, Sarma S, Long-term effects of bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation on quality of life in advanced Parkinson’s disease. AOPMC 2009 at New Delhi.
- Baheti NN, Ranjith N, Verghese T, Raju BP, Kesavadas C, Mathuranath PS. Cognitive and volumetric evolution of Alzheimer’s Disease from Mild cognitive impairment. AOCN-IANCON 2008 at New Delhi.
- Baheti NN, Cherian A, Wattamwar PR, Kesavadas C, Thomas B. Ischemic Hyperintensities on T1-weighted MR Imaging – Is it always bleed? International Stroke Update 2009 at Trivandrum.
- Dual Pathology – Mesial temporal sclerosis with focal cortical dysplasia. Video Presentation. Indian Epilepsy Association and Society annual national conference, E-Con 2010 at Indore.
- The changing faces of Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. Kerala Association of Neurologist Annual Meeting 2010 at Kumarakoam.
- Baheti NN, Radhakrishnan A Radhakrishnan K. Utility of video-EEG monitoring in older adults and elderly. 8th Asian Oceanian Epilepsy Congress. October 21-24, 2010. Melbourne Australia.
- Indian academy of neurology
- Indian epilepsy society
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