Health Benefits of Correcting Bad Posture

Health Benefits of Correcting Bad Posture

Correcting Bad Posture

We usually pick up on bad posture habits during our adolescence and young adulthood, all of it cumulating to a stooping, hunched stance that we assume in the middle age. Sitting in front of the computer, shoulders slouched, back curved and legs trailing behind- this is a common picture for most of us, during most of the day. However, correcting this bad posture can get rid of a lot of health problems.

Improves Muscle Tone

Muscle tone and function is lost as we age. The ‘middle age spread’, as the phenomenon is called, can trigger enough muscle loss every year to account for the 2-4 pounds of fat gained. Muscle tone can be improved by working on your posture. Middle age usually shows first through your belly, which before soft and bulgy. Correcting your posture until it becomes your natural stance makes a huge contribution towards maintaining your muscle tone.

Improves Concentration

A number of scientific studies have shown that improving posture improves concentration and mental performance. Better posture means less tension, better breathing, better digestion and a confidence- it is natural that concentration and mental prowess of those who corrected their posture will be higher than those who slouch on the couch.

Improve Digestion

Good posture helps in giving your abdominal organs an organic rub down. This facilitates digestion. Those who have problems with the gall bladder or acidity are especially benefitted by this. When you sit straight, at a correct posture, your rib cage doesn’t press down on your internal organs. This makes the digestive system perform better.

Improve Back Conditions

Back conditions like pain and numbness are often the result of a bad posture. If your spine is stretched at an unnatural curve throughout the day, back pain is inevitable. So, a corrected posture will help you combat this pain, which may be a twinge once in a while or intermittent, severe pain. To be sure that the back pain is a symptom of bad posture and not a more serious underlying condition, check with your doctor first.

Protect Joints

When you sit or walk straight in correct posture, all of your vertebrae are aligned. This proper alignment puts less pressure on any one vertebra or the cartilaginous discs that are present in between each vertebra. This balance can make a huge difference in your health because it reduces the risk of herniated discs. Correct walking posture also reduces the chance of muscle or ligament wear and tear due to injury and even arthritis. While at a young age, these conditions may seem trivial, if bad posture persists even in the middle age, severe pain in the joints can cripple you later in life.

Reduce Breathing Problems

When you sit hunched in the chair, you are not allowing your lungs to inflate entirely. This leads to shallow breathing, which causes discomfort in the chest and due to reduced oxygen supply to the brain, can even lead to bad mental performance. With correction of stance, sitting upright, you immediately allow your lungs to extend fully and your muscles relax. This promotes a sense of well being and also helps you breathe deeply.

Strengthens Abdominal Muscles

When you sit straight, you are mildly working out your abdominal muscle to hold this posture. This is definitely not going to give you enviable six pack abs, but is nonetheless a gentle workout. So if you are a fitness freak, corrected posture has an added benefit of working out your abs even when you are sitting!

Apart from that, you can also easily see that correct posture makes you look better and gives you a confidence boost. It keeps your body in better shape in the long run.