Insomnia and Few Tips to Beat It

Insomnia and Few Tips to Beat It


Studies by reputed organizations across the globe have confirmed the increased susceptibility to Insomnia. This spike can directly be attributed to changing lifestyle and conditions in which we live. Let us look briefly at the causes and tips to beat insomnia and get you the much needed sleep.

What is Insomnia?

This Latin phrase literally stands for ‘no sleep’. Insomnia is the physical and psychological condition that prevents one from falling or remaining asleep. Insomniacs also feel drained out once they are awake. This condition is either a medical condition in itself or a symptom for other serious ailments.

There are two types of Insomnia – Acute (lasts for a maximum of few weeks) and Chronic (more critical condition persisting for years)

What Are The Symptoms?

How do you assess your sleep quality and determine if you are insomniac?

  • Awakening during the night without reason
  • Stressful conditions on the job
  • Feeling tired and dull after a night's sleep
  • Daytime fatigue, drowsiness and recurring headaches
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety leading to poor concentration and focus

The above list is not exhaustive, however covers the most common reasons. Some physicians suggest maintaining a ‘sleep diary’ to record and analyze sleep patterns.

What Should I Do?

From a dietary standpoint,

  • Limit intake of alcohol and caffeine. Quit smoking as Nicotine stimulates the brain and prevents from falling asleep
  • Try herbal supplements that have Melatonin. This is naturally produced by body during night times. Increased levels of this hormone helps you doze off faster
  • Opting to take sleeping pills should be the last resort and is advised for chronic insomniacs

Other Tips That Can Help You Are,

  • Develop the habit of deep breathing (abdominal breathing). It increases oxygen intake and distribution to all parts of the body
  • Avoid naps during the day
  • Plan and stick to a sleep schedule. Over time, the body is conditioned to slip into sleep at the right time.
  • Listen to light music as this help calm the brain activity and secrete hormones that relax muscle activity

Reviewed By:

Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)

Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad