What Can You Do with a Public Health Degree?
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Almost all take New Year resolutions and at least three relate to lifestyle reforms. That shows we worry on our health a lot. This is unlike sleepless nights due to skin complexion gone dark or on a trim waistline turning stocky (though they OFTEN are indications of the body’s malfunctions); ours are more mechanics than design. Yes, weight gain bothers us too and we (ok, most of us) have one or more associated departments to look after. We binge a lot, especially on Friday and Saturday nights and that’s where trouble starts. It’s not to say binging on food is any better; just that you are not accused as much for gluttony as we are for guzzling. And oh, there’s smoking to add, which is even harder to control.
All that beats us down by and large and some just resist the bad changes longer than others. Till death? Few. And this has finally gone into our nicotine-stunned brains; in fact, every brain that derived pleasure out of chemicals besetting a normal state of mind. So we are too on a quest for a pain-free life. No amount of comfort can offset a physical discomfort; so, we somehow manage to reduce all the boyish-ness around mid-30s and start recovery, but also worry on what the free, earlier life’s hits, puffs and slugs may expose us to.
Gynecomastia: Pain and pleasure being indivisible suits Pinhead, not us. An excessive breast tissue in males – maybe due to hormonal imbalance – is unjustified and to an extent, rude. Blood pressure lowering medications are a big cause. An associated disorder is obesity, which is due to a greater exposure of men to estrogen-mimicking chemicals abundant in perfumes, after-shave lotions, body sprays and sometimes, in perfumed soaps. It may start from lumps in one or both testicles - which must not always be cancerous – causing an enlargement, heaviness in scrotum and tenderness of the upper chest, transforming to gynecomastia.
Skin problems: Okay, it’s not the tween-age anymore but that doesn’t mean ugliness will not show-up once in a while. Acnes too. They love being in touch but even the most innocent looking pucker may show up with the most vicious intentions, all in a sudden. Skin is a little price to pay; it’s the infection we fear the most. Creams and gels like benzoyl peroxide or other topical treatments are tougher to be regular with than antibiotics. And we don’t always remember downing pills unless they promise a high.
Receding hairlines: Let’s stay happy that us with receding hairlines had and have adequate DHT and therefore; adequate testosterone and other androgens. But then again, doubts on liver and gall bladder functions can’t also be ruled out and that often triggers gastric distress. Otherwise, it’s not a good feel to turn less attractive (for most), but hey, we look good when we look strong and that receding hairline often brings the tough look.
Excess sub-cutaneous fat: Love it or hate it, we all secretly curse any uneven distribution of fat that might bar the view to an otherwise decent ‘V’. Strength training and a definite food pattern is the way to end this trouble. This also helps control Gynecomastia by decreasing the feminizing enzyme aromatase by promoting testosterone levels, but may aggravate further the receding hairline. But that’s better than nursing an erectile dysfunction; proper food and physical activities keep andropause away, the chief cause behind middle-age sexual disorders and empty feels.
Andropause: Thinking about it gives us mixed feelings; sometimes it doesn’t matter and at others - absolutely creepy. It’s even more frightening knowing that it depends largely on your androgen levels how you deal with crisis, so there seems to be a reason to be worried about. More so, for it may initiate diabetes and heart diseases.
Beer bellies: We worry the least on it, but try visualizing all internal organs sitting in a bed of fat. Beer belly is that bed; rather, a load inside your body supported by the abdominal skin. We’ll talk about it at the next beer meet.