My cholestrol level 225, HDL 74 & LDL 129

Dear Doctor: ?

Dear Patient: Your blood levels are mentioned by you. It is hard to remember thousands of normal values. So please mention the normal values in bracket and ask the question again. Lever has good power to regenerate. But then it has got limit to it. With heavy drinking you will land up in liver problem now or then. For the sake of GOD and your family consult the psychiatrist and give up the drinking. Now you are not drinking the alcohol but alcohol is drinking you. It is better late than never.

This question has been answered by

Dr. Ashok Deshmukh

Dr. Ashok Deshmukh

Family Medicine Specialist




Thanks a Lot Doctor. I am stopping drinking. Normal Levels are as follows- SGPT- 45 normal My actual 61. SGOT - 45 Normal Actual 62, GGT - 55 Normal, Mine 225. Cholestrol - 200 Normal Mine 225 HDL is 74 against 65 LDL 129 against 130


You will be alright within short period of stopping the alcohol. You have courage to admit that you are heavy drinker. Such people usually give up alcohol. Morning/evening walk will help you to reduce the choleterol.