How To Prevent Nose Swelling During Pregnancy?

How To Prevent Nose Swelling During Pregnancy?

Nose Swelling During Pregnancy

What Is Nose Swelling During Pregnancy?

Swelling, a normal part of pregnancy, can occur in any part of the body. It is usually seen in hands, ankles, and feet. But nose and lips swelling during pregnancy are also common.

Nose swelling during pregnancy is a symptom where the nose becomes bigger and wider. The swelling of the nose is caused by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

Swelling in the nose causes stuffiness and watery drainage. This affects sleep because of difficulty in breathing and the changes in the nose can make it easier to bleed.

[Also Read: What causes swollen hands and feet]

Unusual Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes many changes and discomfort in a woman's body. These changes cause some common symptoms that are expected such as nausea, tender breasts, swelling of ankles, but there are certain unexpected changes like swelling in the nose.

Apart from nose swelling, there are several unusual symptoms during pregnancy which not all pregnant women experience. Some of these unusual symptoms are;

  • Change in the color of hair because of pigmentation
  • Hair growth on the belly
  • Longer or bigger feet
  • Metal taste in the mouth
  • Blurred vision

Most of these symptoms are because of hormonal changes, and they return to normal after childbirth.

Causes Of Nose Swelling During Pregnancy

Pregnancy nose swelling is an unusual symptom that many pregnant women worry about. Knowledge of the causes of this symptom is important as it helps deal with the problem.

The causes are;

  • During the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester), the blood vessels become wider or expand to send more blood to the fetus to meet the demands of the growing fetus in terms of nutrition and oxygen from the mother. The expansion of blood vessels not only occurs in the uterus but throughout the body. Blood vessels also expand in the sinuses and nasal passages, leading to swelling in the nose.
  • There is a link between the face and nose swelling during pregnancy. During the last stages of pregnancy (third trimester), water retention occurs in the face and this may cause severe swelling in the nose.
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy can also lead to nose swelling.
  • Nose swelling during pregnancy or a bigger and wider nose is linked to the hormonal changes in pregnant women.
  • An increase in the levels of the hormone - "Estrogen" can increase the blood flow to the mucous membranes of the body, which includes the lining of nasal passages. The increased blood flow expands the muscles and membranes beneath the nose, making the nose appear larger. As the bones of the nose are soft, they get influenced easily, taking a different shape.

When Will The Nose Get Back To Normal Size?

The hormonal changes that cause nose swelling during pregnancy are temporary. After childbirth, the hormones get back to normal levels, and so do all the changes including the swollen nose. The nose will return to normal size within 30-40 days after childbirth.

How To Prevent Nose Swelling During Pregnancy?

Although nose swelling is common during pregnancy, the swelling can be managed and reduced.

  • Once the swelling is noticed, try to reduce the overall salt intake. This will reduce water retention levels in the body and also help manage high blood pressure.
  • You must drink plenty of water as water consumption helps reduce the water retention that causes a decrease in swelling.
  • Consider taking all the precautions as suggested by your doctor to prevent nose swelling during pregnancy.

When To See A Doctor

Nose swelling during pregnancy is normal and you need not worry. However, consult a doctor if;

  • Swelling occurs elsewhere in the body like the face, hands, or feet
  • You have severe or sudden swelling that can be because of high blood pressure
  • You have high blood pressure coupled with water retention in the body

Although hormonal fluctuations can bring about certain changes to the body such as nose swelling during pregnancy, these are only temporary changes that will subside post-childbirth.


Vasavi Attada

Vasavi Attada specializes in creating content for the Medical/healthcare domain. She has written articles for Indian Health Organization (IHO), American Diabetes Association, and for magazines such as India Today and Dignity Dialogue.

Vasavi Attada holds a Master’s degree in Microbiology from Bangalore University.