- Accident & Emergency
- Andrology
- Anesthesiology
- Audiology and Speech Therapy
- Cardiology
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Critical Care
- Dentistry
- Dermatology (Skin)
- Diabetology
- Endocrinology
- ENT (Otolaryngology)
- Gastroenterology
- General & Laparoscopic Surgery
- General Medicine
- IVF & Infertility
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
- Neonatology
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obesity
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Plastic Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Urology
- Operating theaters of international Standard
- Dialysis
- Round-the-clock Trauma Care services and ambulance services with monitors
- Urodynamic Lab
- Life-saving equipment like ventilator and defibrillator
- Sleep Lab
- MGB Germany Laparoscopic System
- Advanced patient monitors with ETCO2
- Video EEG, EMG
- ABG machines
- Video Endoscope
- Imported high-end sterilizers
- 24 hour pharmacy. Consultant Pediatrician available in-house 24 hrs
- Separate Orthopedic, Neurological, Surgery, Gynecological, Trauma, Intensive Care areas
- 24hr Laboratory
- Intensive Cardiac Care Unit
- Cafeteria
- High-end microscope
- Centralized Gas System
- Neonatal ICU