3 Habits to Start to Help You Prevent Future Injuries
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Parsnip falls in the same family tree as that of carrot and parsley; it is a root vegetable that grows sweeter after the winter season. Parsnip resembles a carrot in every sense, the only difference being that it has a skin that is cream coloured. It can be eaten raw, but people also cook it and eat. It’s high content of vitamins, minerals and potassium make it a healthy food to consume and it’s antioxidants and dietary fibre can keep several diseases at bay. Along with other vegetables, if you make it a point to include Parsnip in your diet, you can be sure you will lead a healthy life!
Some of the health benefits of this vegetable have been discussed below for the perusal of common people.
Parsnip has high content of dietary fibre, which is extremely beneficial for lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Also, it prevents fat accumulation by enhancing the metabolic process, thereby, not letting a person turn obese. It, therefore, prevents heart attack, artery blockage and stroke. For maximum benefits, parsnip can be consumed as salad or as one of the items in the salad. Raw parsnip is suggested over their cooked form.
Studies have shown that consuming parsnip each day can cure constipation and ensure smooth and regular bowel movements. This is owing to the fact that it contains a lot of dietary fibre, which helps in the process of digestion and proper passing of bowels. Doctors, especially, prescribe young kids and babies to consume parsnips as this is a natural alternative to medicines which do not have any side effects. Infants and babies often suffer from irregular bowel movements and this is one of the best alternative medicine forms that you can try on a child without any apprehensions.
Parsnips have a fairly good content of calcium. Young children and adolescents are recommended to have parsnip because it can stimulate growth and development. Also, drinking a cup of parsnip juice each day can give adequate potassium to your body and relieve joint pains, muscle swelling, stiffness and other related issues. Also, the presence of folic acid would prevent Osteoporosis from happening. It is, thus, an ideal vegetable for healthy bones and muscles.
Another major health benefit of consuming parsnip, is that, it helps maintain healthy gums and keeps you immune from oral problems. Many gum problems emerge due to the growth of bacteria which then spread to the teeth causing decay and erosion. Parsnip can help to fight oral bacteria and help maintain a healthy gum and tooth. However, one must realize that this can never be an alternative to chewing tobacco and other addictives that contain nicotine.
Parsnips have anti-inflammatory properties and compounds that help in relieving respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, bronchial infections, asthma and others. Its the presence of vitamin C and antioxidants help to fight free radicals also helps in maintaining a healthy circulatory system and keeping impurities from the blood. Also, it prevents blood vessels from swelling. Its anti-inflammatory property helps to cure aches and pains in the body, especially in the joints.
Parsnips, therefore, are replete with nutritious elements and compounds which have several health benefits. Including parsnips in your daily diet might keep the doctor away on several occasions. However, it should be realized that this cannot be a substitute for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Along with regular physical activity and a balanced diet, one can lead a healthy life. If you browse through the search engine, you will find several recipes of parsnip. Apart from juice and salad, it is possible to make delicacies out of it.