Calluses and Corns

What are calluses and corns?

Calluses are protective pads made up of the thickened upper layer of skin due to repeated rubbing of the area. Corns are small calluses that develop on the top of the toes due to pressure or rubbing against shoes or other toes.

Treatment for calluses and corns:

Calluses are usually painless, but corns can be quite painful. Sometimes, corns are confused with warts. Calluses can be avoided by removing the source of the rubbing and thinning the callus with a pumice stone. Treatment for corns may include:

  • Applying pads around the corn area

  • Wearing larger, more comfortable shoes

  • Surgery

Calluses and corns are rarely a serious condition. However, people with diabetes are prone to infections and ulcers and should examine their feet on a regular basis. If any sores are noticed, they should seek medical attention right away.   

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