
What is a splinter?

A splinter is a sharp sliver of wood, glass, or other debris that is lodged underneath the skin. Removal of small, superficial splinters can usually be done at home.

First-aid for splinters

  • Calm you child and let him or her know that you can help.

  • Wash your hands.

  • Clean the area around the splinter with rubbing alcohol; if not available, use soap and water.

  • Sterilize a needle or tweezers with rubbing alcohol.

  • If part of the splinter is sticking out of the skin, gently try to pull the splinter out using the sterilized tweezers.

  • If the splinter is close to the surface but underneath the skin, gently prick the skin over the splinter with the sterilized needle and try to pull it out using the sterilized tweezers.

  • If the splinter is deeply imbedded or you are unable to remove it after several tries, call your child's health care provider.

  • Observe the area for signs of infection such as increased warmth, swelling, redness, drainage, or pain. If you notice any signs of infection, call your child's health care provider. Antibiotics may be needed.

  • If the splinters are very small, painless and superficial, you can leave them alone. Eventually they will make their way out of the skin. 

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