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Boosting an Awareness regarding any significant concern, especially for our own health, has been greatly supported by technologically advanced inputs with innovative ideas. One such example is Dental Bridges, basically, a mode to replace missing teeth with an artificial one that could best suit your comfort, this replacement is achieved by surrounding remaining structures of partially damaged tooth and gums, they are almost sound generally.
Such restorative procedures make your smile quite perfect, keeps the optimal shape of the face, restoring mastication to some extent after losing a tooth for any reason. Perfection is not a criterion to be implemented every time and everywhere, there is always an associated issue, irrespective of any advancement in the availability of technology. So, there are some common problems with dental bridges also in conjunction with other significant factors, and they are mentioned below
Before opting for dental bridges, one must consider his or her own age criteria apart from what the consultant has advised. It's a personal thinking sometimes but quite important. Younger age group people have more strong bone conditions in comparison to older one, that will be supporting Dental implants over which Dental bridges are placed (nowadays commonly used).
Shelf-life ( an approximate age of dental bridge working efficiency ) is around 10-12 years and as patient's age moves to an increasing number, more chances of failure can be expected with this gradual increment. Pre-existing disorders like osteoporosis, diabetes can impact restorations expectancy and prognosis. So, undoubtedly Age factor should be considered with required basic investigations, those could be performed for other associated risks related to older age, then, move ahead with dental bridges and quite economical too.
A most striking feature associated with selection of Dental Bridges, as they are artificial teeth, their appearance in comparison to surrounded natural teeth could make them look differ a bit. So care of Dental bridges especially post-operative is crucial, else a weird look will happen for sure.
Poor oral hygiene, when a patient ignores its maintenance due to improper brushing techniques ( a few specific tools to be used recommended by a consultant), irregularity with surrounding gum preservation, intake of hard stain containing stuff like beverages will definitely affect dental bridges, in turn causing a bad appearance of these artificial replacements. So, a proper Oral hygiene maintenance with special recommendations from your dentist regarding brushing and avoidance of certain foodstuff consumption and a lot more could make them aesthetically sound as desired pre-operatively.
Improper placement of Dental Bridges ( or sometimes proper ones too but with lesser chances ) results in disruptive speech ability of a patient, as interference with tongue movements while speaking will have a greater impact. Sometimes in more severity, it leads to cheek bites or tongue bites resulting in trauma and in chronic stages scars could appear.
Mastication that is chewing of food will be affected as one is more conscious when they have an artificial stuff in their mouth, as well as fitting of restorative bridges requires a perfection, else their movement while food chewing will cause a major discomfort.
A psychological feel towards something odd or different in the oral cavity, usually at an earlier stage of post-operative situations, makes a patient more prone to touch that particular location and strong forces from patient's fingers commonly may set them apart from their required placements even though they were correctly placed. A control over such psychological eruptions should be avoided, consumption of hard stuff or something that is probably causing staining of teeth is to be ignored significantly. If anyhow, a disruptive movement is felt, should consult your dentist immediately before the condition got worse.
Dental Bridges are dependent on their supportive surroundings ( leftover sound teeth or dental implants), while preparation of their placements is done alongside modifications of surrounding natural stuff , there are chances of dentin exposures ( lining of a tooth ) or if it's been done by an inexperienced one, then there could be more severity towards a pulp exposure leading to unbearable acute pain conditions.
Intake of cold, sweets or citrus containing stuff will be more causative for the same. A deep penetrating feel could be felt. If such restorations are being done with a compromised surrounding structure just to gain a patient's visit, then one can expect more chronic issues like the age of the dental bridge, it will not last long and will be creating other problems too.
Gums are for grip, and they also undergo modification, so improper procedures could make a possibility of penetration and retention of bacteria making a fell more sensitive and on a rapid pace. Considering above mentioned issues, one must avoid intake of such stuff whenever possible, even for a longer term. Selection of an experienced Dentist is crucial, so get your researches done about the same quite perfectly.
Associated issues with Dental bridges are also prominent. One such problem is Excess Salivation ( Saliva excretion in the mouth or oral cavity ) resulting in irritation, disruption with speech and social hesitations for a patient. In more severe conditions, a highly mucus dominated environment of the oral cavity leads to infections due to abundant bacterial proliferation.
The psychological feel of something different may lead to provocation of attrition or makes this ongoing problem more severe. Gum irritation is also a common one. The patient will feel to rub that surrounding area more often, increasing probability of misplacement post-operative. One cannot get rid of these permanently, but with time and proper maintenance of oral hygiene, one could get used to easily and quite rapidly. Medications, only after recommendations from your dentist could be applied ( like ointments for gums irritation).
Advantages when exists, there also appears associated risks or side effects, in turn making a discomfort for the patient for adapting or retaining those replacements.
Side Effects of Dental Bridges Could Be Listed As
All of these usually result from Improper techniques usage, the compromised core material Inexperienced consultant or dentist, Patient's own bad habits like non-maintenance of Oral hygiene. Common Problems with Dental Bridges are there but they are liable for simultaneous rectifications also if a patient is conscious of their oral health at every other level with proper awareness.