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The scorching summer heat finally gives way to the soothing and cooling monsoon rains. But not many of us know that the incessant rains along with increased humidity and moisture acts as a breeding ground of various diseases. The skin and hair also reacts unpredictably to the season change during monsoon. It can either get extremely oily and lead to acne and pimple breakouts or get excessively dry and stretched due to dehydration. In this article, we have listed some of the most effective monsoon health care tips along with guide lines for monsoon hair care and monsoon skin care which will help you glide through the rainy season without many woes.
Stagnant water around the house during the monsoon season acts as a breeding ground for mosquitoes which increases the risk of fatal mosquito-borne illnesses such as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, etc. One of the potent precautions during rainy season is to clean stagnant water in and around your house to destroy the breeding platform of mosquitoes. Use mosquito nets and mosquito repellent creams to protect yourself and your family members from mosquito bites.
Street food can be unsafe during the monsoon season. Any food that is kept or served in an open environment during the rainy season is at high risk of contamination and prone to fatal contamination. One of the vital precautions during the rainy season is to avoid drinking fresh juices, fried snacks, ice creams, sandwiches, etc from street-side vendors in order to avoid gastrointestinal problems like indigestion, jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.
Try to avoid the puddles and water-filled gutters and if you must wade through dirty water then wear protective, covered and water-resistant shoes and wash your feet thoroughly immediately after you return home from outside. Exposing your skin to this dirty water can lead to unwanted skin irritating fungal infections and work as a platform for water-borne diseases. In persons with diabetes, the dampness can also lead to athlete's foot and affect the nails and toes. So, keep yourself clean at all times and make it a point to wash your feet or take a bath if you get drenched in the rain and keep your shoes, socks and raincoats clean and dry.
Sudden temperature fluctuations during the monsoon season can increase the risk of cough, cold and fever. Don't switch on the AC immediately or take a bath directly after you return drenched or sweating from the outside. Take 5 to 10 minutes of rest in order to adjust your body with the temperature variation and then take a bath.
The Indian monsoon can be humid and sweaty and the problems is the sweat does not evaporate easily due to the high humidity levels. The prevailing humidity also prevents the body from releasing the heat so the body is continuously at a heated state. Therefore, one of the most important health tips for rainy season is to keep yourself hydrated with adequate amount of water. Try to carry a water bottle with you even when you go outside. Stay away from carbonated drinks and soda because they can further lower the mineral levels in your body which in turn prevents normal functioning of the enzymes in the body resulting in indigestion.
Digestive disorder is one of the main problems most people face during monsoons season, because the process of digestion remains significantly slow during monsoon compared to other seasons. One of the effective precautions during rainy season is to eat light and follow a balanced diet and concentrate of spices, fruits and vegetables that boost immunity and improves your body's resistance against water borne diseases.
Hepatitis A and E are two prevalent types of hepatitis that wreck havoc during the monsoon season. Therefore, it suggested to eat clean and fresh fruits and vegetables that have been hygienically washed and cleaned. You can also lightly steam the leafy green vegetables in order to avoid contamination and kill the germs. Freshly cooked soup and stews are a great way to have light and nutritious food during monsoon.
All of us like to get drenched in the rain but it can be really harmful for your hair. One of the most important tips for monsoon hair care is to keep your hair dry. The acidic nature of rainwater along with increased humidity takes a heavy toll on your hair and leads to excessive hair fall and dandruff. Therefore, dry your hair before you go out of the house and protect your hair from rainwater.
A little grease in the scalp is normal and in fact it keeps the scalp and hair shafts healthy but during monsoon season the hair gets excessively oily due to high humidity and makes it appear greasy and dirty. So, opt for a special oil control shampoo to reduce greasiness of the scalp. You can also opt for a pH balancing shampoo which helps to balance the pH level of the scalp and prevents it from getting excessively oily or excessively dry. Keeping your scalp oil and dirt free also helps to prevent hair fall in monsoon.
Monsoon season can affect the skin in an unpredictable way - at times it can get extremely oily and lead to nasty acne breakouts and at other times it can get extremely dry and stretched due to dehydration. So, it is important to follow a special regime for monsoon skin care. First of all, it is important to get rid of the layer of dust that forms on the skin and gives it a dull texture. You can hydrate dry and parched skin with honey, which nourishes the skin without clogging the pores. Always use a mild cleanser to clean your face, because over cleansing during monsoon can promote sebum production and make your skin excessively oily.
So, don’t let the monsoon rains dampen your spirit. Follow these effective monsoon health care tips along with guidelines of skin care and hair care to stay fit from inside and beautiful from outside.