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A cough, also called tussis, is an important voluntary or involuntary defensive reflex that helps clear the throat and breathing passages from irritants. The irritants can be smoke, mucus, and allergens such as mold, pollen, and dust. By forceful expulsion of air from the lungs, cough, helps the body get rid of the irritant.
Coughing can be a symptom of many health conditions and illnesses and mostly clears up on its own with no medical attention. The characteristics of the cough can give an indication of its cause.
There are several natural ways of treating cough that has proven benefits among which the combination of honey and lemon for cough is the most effective.
[Also Read: Types of cough]
Viruses are the major cause of most coughs. Coughs can be acute or chronic.
Acute coughs start suddenly and last for 2 to 3 weeks.
An acute cough infection mostly occurs in the upper respiratory tract, affecting the throat. These are referred to as upper respiratory tract infections. The causes include;
If it is a lower respiratory tract infection, lungs are infected and/or the airways below the voice box. The causes include;
Another cause of acute cough is hay fever.
Chronic coughs are referred to as those that persist for over 2 to 3 weeks. A chronic cough is mostly a symptom of an underlying condition. The causes include;
Other less common causes of chronic cough include TB (tuberculosis), lung cancer, and fungal infections of the lung.
Yes, honey and lemon form a perfect combination weapon that fights off a cough. While honey helps with soothing, the lemon juice helps with congestion. Studies show that honey is more effective for cough relief than over-the-counter medicines.
Honey and lemon for cough and sore throat is a traditional and natural treatment. Each ingredient is powerful in curing cough. When used as a combination, the benefits double giving highly effective results.
According to WHO, honey is highly effective in the treatment of cough because of its chemical and nutritional composition. The antibacterial properties of honey help to get rid of the harmful bacteria, causing a cough.
Honey is packed with important nutrients like potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese. These are vital for the normal and healthy functioning of the body and help to repair and stimulate tissue growth. Honey also contains antioxidants that help to eliminate the harmful free radicals from the body.
Lemons contain strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. Lemons are rich in vitamin C that helps to build the immune system. It also contains antioxidants that repair and prevent cell damage.
The sweetness of honey is shown to trigger the salivary glands to produce more saliva. This lubricates the airways and induces the release of mucus through the airways, easing cough. The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of honey help break the mucus and reduce or prevent further formation of the mucus, providing complete relief from coughing.
Lemon, on the other hand, works by improving immunity against these infections. When you consume a concoction of honey, lemon, and hot water, it breaks up and loosens mucus, helps calm the throat, and clears the irritating airways.
Honey and lemon can be used in combination with several ingredients to fight off a cough effectively. The best ones include;
One tablespoon of honey and lemon mixture twice a day eases cough. You can consume once during the day, and once before going to bed.
You can refrigerate the remaining mixture of lemon and honey. This can be used for up to a month.
Glycerin has excellent moisturizing properties and is used in combination with honey and lemon for relief from a raw and itchy throat.
One teaspoon of solution twice or thrice a day for good relief from throat irritation and cough.
You can store the solution in a glass bottle and refrigerate it.
Honey and lemon juice combination with garlic works best in case you also suffer from congestion in the chest. Garlic helps to clear the chest by breaking down phlegm that causes congestion.
Consume the mixture once every day for instant relief.
The other combinations of honey and lemon juice are;
Honey and lemon juice for cough can be used by;
Here are a few side effects of honey and lemon that you should be aware of before opting for honey and lemon for a full-fledged cough treatment;
Honey and lemon for cough is very effective, economical, and easy to prepare tonic at home with absolutely no side effects.