Is Acupuncture Effective in Treating Pain?

Is Acupuncture Effective in Treating Pain?

Acupuncture is a type of Ancient Chinese medicine that aims to balance the flow of your energy. They believe that whenever its natural flow is blocked or disrupted, that’s when pain or illnesses appear.

To treat this, acupuncture uses thin needles to insert into designated points in your body to release the blockages and restore the healthy flow of your energy. Eliminating and managing pain is only one of the benefits that acupuncture can provide. Depending on your symptoms, regular treatments might be a suitable way to improve your condition.

Can acupuncture reduce pain?

The art of acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat pain and other ailments. One of the reasons why it’s effective is it stimulates your nervous system and causes it to release endorphins and enkephalins – which are your body’s natural painkillers. According to Jon Kukor of Orlando Alternative Health, the process regulates your pain signals, which can alter the way your brain processes pain and thus increase your pain threshold naturally.

The effectiveness of acupuncture in reducing pain will depend on how you respond to the treatment. Since some patients can notice immediate results while others show no improvement. If you’re willing to try acupuncture for managing pain, make sure to consult your doctor first to determine if this is a suitable method for your symptoms.

What kind of pain does acupuncture relieve?

The great thing about acupuncture is it’s able to treat almost all types of pain. When done properly, it can treat acute pain including:

  • Headaches
  • Labor pains
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Dental pain after surgery
  • Muscle tension or soreness
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ)

Acupuncture is also shown to improve the symptoms of chronic pain. Back pain, Migraines, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome are only a few ailments it can help manage. But take note that it’s not recommended to use acupuncture as the sole treatment for your condition. It can be a supplementary treatment for managing pain alongside the therapies that your medical practitioner subscribes to you.

Can acupuncture relieve nerve pain?

Acupuncture can be effective for relieving nerve pain since it stimulates your central nervous system to produce endorphins. It’s also beneficial for repairing nerve damage or diminished sensation by targeting your affected areas and restimulating your nerve fibers.

Acupuncture focuses on stimulating your blood circulation to keep your nerves active and engaged, which will then help restore your damaged nerves.

If your nerve pain is a result of neuropathy or a symptom of another condition, you can find relief with acupuncture. Since it rarely produces negative side effects, it can be an effective alternative for pain management without using any medication.

How fast does acupuncture work for pain?

You’ll be able to feel the effects of acupuncture depending on your type of pain and how your body responds to it. If you’re dealing with acute pain, like headaches or sports injuries, you may be able to feel relief after one session, but if you have chronic pain you might need more than 2 sessions to notice a difference.

Regular and consistent sessions will be the trick for acupuncture to work. Your acupuncturist will assess your symptoms and determine how many sessions you’ll need for your condition.

But if after multiple sessions and you don’t feel any relief from your pain, acupuncture may not be the right treatment for you.

Can I take painkillers before acupuncture?

If you’re trying acupuncture to manage your pain, you might be tempted to take painkillers or tranquilizers before your session. But it’s highly advised not to take any for at least 4 hours before your session, and 1 hour after your treatment since this will prevent your body from getting the most out of your session.

You’re allowed to take your usual medication but avoid ingesting it with any stimulant or depressant since this will also alter your body’s response to the treatment.

The needles won’t also feel painful when inserted into your skin, so there’s no need to take any painkillers beforehand. Most will feel a slight tingling or dull ache when the needle reaches the right depth, but then your body will relax to the sensation. If you want to prepare for your treatment, just make sure you consume a light meal and keep yourself adequately hydrated.

Does pain return after acupuncture?

Most acute pain won’t return after sufficient acupuncture treatments. If you’re feeling sore in your treated areas, there’s no need to worry since it’s a common and temporary side effect that will wear off in a few days.

But if you’re dealing with a chronic illness, the pain may return depending on how your condition is progressing. Since acupuncture can only manage pain, it won’t be able to completely cure your illness unless the root cause is treated with other types of therapies and medications.