Oral Health: Signs You Need To See A Dentist

Oral Health: Signs You Need To See A Dentist

Signs You Need To See A Dentist

Dental and oral health are substantial for a healthy life. Your mouth is the door to your body. If your oral hygiene is not maintained properly it can lead to cavities, gum diseases, or dead teeth.

These, however, can go unnoticed and cause several complications. These various bodily complications include heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes.

An oral health regimen is imperative to prevent these bodily complications. This regimen includes brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste or flossing at least twice a day. A balanced diet with no excess sugar intake, use of vegetables, and vitamin C-rich fruits. Likewise, oil pulling (with coconut or sesame oil) weekly and periodic dental check-ups can help nib dental complications in the bud.

Mentioned below are some important signs that signify that you need to see the dentist;

Tooth Bleeding

Bleeding after brushing your teeth or flossing is a vivid sign that you should not ignore. It could be a sign of developing gum disease named periodontal disease? tissue infection that causes loosening of teeth. If not paid attention in its initial stages it can result in bone loss around the teeth, eventually, leading to tooth loss. Its other signs are red and tender gums with usual discharge between the gums and the teeth.

Tooth Pain And Swelling

Spontaneous pain in your tooth, especially, the one in the form of a wave is likely to be a sign of tooth infection or dead tooth. In addition to this, the postural aggravation of the pain, like pain or feeling of pressure while lying down or bending down is the sign that you may need a root canal. Moreover, signs of swelling in your cheek areas, especially, where you have a toothache are likely to be a sign of infection in the roots. Hence, signifying, the need for a quick dental appointment.

Injury To The Mouth

Any type of accidental trauma or injury to your mouth should be a matter of concern for you. This is because trauma creating the chip or crack can result in the inflamed or infected pulp. Moreover, the tooth may be so deeply decayed that it gets chipped from being dead. Therefore, consulting a dentist for a detailed examination of the injured tooth is necessary to keep yourself away from complications, either it feels like a dental emergency or not.

Hot And Cold Sensitivity

Sensitivity to hot and cold vary from person to person. Some people have naturally sensitive teeth which can be treated with the help of medicated sensitivity toothpaste. Whereas, if you are suffering from extreme sensitivity and this sensitivity to hot and cold appears suddenly or usually then it might be a sign of some underlying serious issues. Resolving the issue by scheduling a visit, before it enters into severe stages can save you time and money.

Receding Gums

Gum recession is also a part of aging. Almost 88% of people over 65 suffer from gum recession, especially, around one tooth. But, sometimes, gum recession can be a sign of gum disease. Gum diseases can expose the delicate roots of the teeth, increasing their risk of decay, infection, or falling. As prevention is better than cure. Better visit a dentist or book an online consultation session than spending on the root canal cost or dental implant expenses.

White Spots On Your Teeth Or Gums

White spots on your teeth are one of the initial signs of decay. See your dentist if you see one as its early diagnosis and treatment can prevent cavities to develop. However, white spots on gums are a prominent sign of tooth infection. People having deep root infection might not experience the symptom of toothache, but appearing of these spots or pimples on the gum are common in them. Avoid popping or rubbing these spots.

Canker Sores

Canker sores are the tiny ulcers appearing on the gums; on the cheek; on the mouth roof, or inside of the lips. These might be normal to appear in some patients as a result of lip or cheek biting. These canker sores, mostly heal in a week or two, especially, when oral hygiene is maintained. However, severe canker sores that do not heal in a week or recur frequently might be a matter of concern. The common causes behind this are anxiety, allergies, hormonal shifts, or weak immunity. These canker sores that are not recovering but spreading in the mouth are a sign you must book a consultation appointment with your dentist.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth also called Xerostomia, is a condition when the salivary glands do not excrete enough saliva to keep the mouth moist. Regular use of antibiotics or beta-blockers can cause the side effects of dry mouth in some patients. Where on one hand it might not seem to be an alarming sign but it can be frustrating for patients who experience it chronically. Chronic dry mouth can make the patient feel miserable which might make them skip their medication. Consulting a dentist for this issue will help you a lot in this scenario. As the dentist can help mitigate it by prescribing suitable mouthwashes or some other suitable treatments.

Headaches From Grinding Teeth

Grinding teeth also known as bruxism are often related to stress or anxiety can cause headaches or facial pain. These signs signify that you might have temporomandibular joints(TMJ) complications. TMJ issues are best resolved by a dentist, who can recommend exercises or effective machines which you will have to wear at night. However, it remained unnoticed, and untreated can wear down your teeth over time.

In a nutshell, healthy teeth and gums demand a lifetime commitment. You, an oral hygiene routine starting from brushing, flossing followed by monthly dental checkups is potent for fulfilling this commitment. Thereby, timely notice of the above-mentioned signs can save you from long-term diseases and dental expenses like implants and high root canal costs.