What Does Nerve Damage Feel Like?

What Does Nerve Damage Feel Like?

Nerve Damage

There has been a lot of research being done online to better understand the nerve damage defect that is killing many people due to lack of knowledge on how to best deal with it. There are so many things that are confusing about nerve damage, like what are the best available treatments, what are the side effects, what is the best way to deal with the situation, and how was the solution reached. In order to fully understand nerve damage, you must do extensive research, here are some of the things you may not know about nerve damage:

1. Nerve damage is known as neuropathy in medical terms. It is when the peripheral nerves are not working in the body. Neuropathy mostly affects the lower abdomen and the legs.

2. Neuropathy is characterized by numbness in the legs or on the lower abdomen, excessive pain that is unbearable, tingling or electric pains on the toes. At times there can be a burning sensation on the feet or sharp pains that feel like pins and needles on the feet or the affected area.

3. Neuropathy has so many causes but the major cause is diabetes. This is because of the elevated blood sugar levels associated with diabetes hinder the normal functioning and structure of the nerves. The distorted nerves transmit the wrong messages and at times may die which is the major cause of neuropathy. Research shows that about 20% of people diagnosed with diabetes have neuropathy or had it before.

4. Other causes of neuropathy include; human immunodeficiency virus, celiac disease, trauma, Fabry's disease, amyloidosis, vitamin B12 deficiency, Lyme disease and some cancers like lymphoma or myeloma. Excessive intoxication such as alcoholism is another major cause of neuropathy and also autoimmune conditions such as lupus and vacuities.

5. The most common conventional nerve pain treatments include the use of antidepressants, anticonvulsants, opioids, and over the counter painkillers. These drugs deal with the nerve pains and their working differs from one drug to the other. The OTC painkillers are the commonly misused drugs and they deal with low to mild pain.

6. The drugs have different individual side effects such as dizziness drowsiness, and ac of appetite from excessive use of antidepressants, addiction from excessive use of opioids and liver damage from excessive use of anti-seizure drugs. Use the drugs with caution and under prescription.

7. The drugs are too expensive. The drugs used to treat neuropathy are quite expensive and can become an added burden with an added monthly fee of about $400 to $700 for the treatment. The treatment will differ depending on the cause and the stage of the neuropathy.

8. When looking for a good neuropathy supplement, you should consider some qualities such as; the level of bioavailability, the purity of the ingredients and the proper dosage. The supplements need to be able to quickly dissolve into the bloodstream, be made from pure substances and be administered under a prescription.

9. The ingredients that support nerve health include; alpha-lipoic acid, oat straw extract, feverfew extract, passion flower extract, skullcap extract, and methylcobalamin.

10. The best-rated supplements for nerve pain relief include; nerve renew, neuropaquell, nerve support formula, nerve shield, nervestra, nerve pain away and neuracel.

For more information, check out neuropathy cure to compare nerve pain supplements in the market and choose one that will best fit you.