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Dark discoloration of the skin under the eyes is referred to as dark circles. A number of factors can lead to the formation of under eye circles. These include mental and physical stress, heredity, aging, crying for long periods of time, working for long hours in front of a computer, lack of sleep, and an unhealthy diet.
Dark circles, though not a serious health condition can make a person look tired, unhealthy, exhausted, and older. Though most of us don’t wear too much makeup every day, a good concealer is recommended, because it can cover up the under eye bags perfectly and make one look fresh and flawless.
Some home remedies to get rid of dark circles naturally include
Almond oil is very beneficial for the delicate skin around the eyes. Apply a little almond oil over the dark circles before going to bed at night. Gently massage it into the skin. Wash it off the next morning with cold water. This routine can be repeated till the dark circles disappear.
Cucumbers have a soothing and refreshing effect. They also have mild astringent properties and make the skin lighter. Place chilled cucumber slices on the eyes for about 10 minutes. Wash with water. Repeat two times a day for about a week or more.
Raw potato has natural bleaching agents. It helps to lighten dark circles and get rid of puffiness around the eyes. Place cotton balls soaked in potato juice or thick potato slices over closed eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Repeat once or twice daily.
It has a soothing effect on tired eyes. It also works as a good skin toner due to its mild astringent properties. Place cotton balls soaked in pure rose water on closed eyes. Leave for about 15 minutes. Follow this twice daily for a few weeks.
One teaspoon of tomato juice mixed with a one-half teaspoon of lemon juice when applied to the eyes can lighten skin to a great extent. Rinse off with water after 10 minutes. Follow twice a day for a few weeks.
Lemon juice contains vitamin C which helps to lighten skin. Apply fresh lemon juice on eyes for 10 minutes using a cotton ball. Rinse off with water. In case of burning sensation, discontinue use.
Massaging with coconut oil helps to lighten dark circles. Coconut oil also acts as a moisturizer to prevent wrinkles and fine lines under the eyes. Massage extra-virgin coconut oil on the under eye area, leave for few hours, and then wash off. Repeat two to three times daily.
Put used leftover tea bags in the refrigerator to cool. Place these bags over closed eyes. This will help to reduce swelling and discoloration.