- Dentistry
- Dermatology (Skin)
- Endoscopy
- ENT (Otolaryngology)
- Gastroenterology
- General Surgery
- Gynecology
- Internal Medicine
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Minimal Access Surgery
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Physiotherapy
- Psychiatry
- UroSurgery
- Experienced & competent dedicated consultants in various specialities & super specialities.
- Well-appointed AC Rooms equipped with all modern facilities like T.V., Phone, Refrigerator (Fridge) etc.
- Fully well equipped ICU managed by intensivists.
- Sleep studies & Non invasive cardiac diagnostic facilities.
- State of the art operation theatres equipped with C-ARM facility & laminar flow.
- Labour Room for delivery in comfort & with tender care.
- Level-II Nursery for the care of Newborns.
- Dental surgeons & Dental super-specialists.
- Eyecare and facility for stitchless cataract operation by Phacoemulsification machine.
- Lung function testing
- Sleep studies by computerized machine
- Round the clock casualty services
- Latest facilities for Key Hole( minimal access ) Surgery & Endoscopic Surgery.
- Radio Diagnostics facilities Digital x-ray & 4D Ultrasound Machine, ECHO & Colour Doppler.
- Comfortable outpatient clinic.
- Well equipped Path.Lab with fully Automatic Bio-chemistry Analyzer, Automated Haematology and Electrolyte Analyzer, Automated Cardiac Marker Analyzer and all Routine investigative facilities available round the clock.
- Round the availability of fully equipped ambulance with advance life support system.
- Healthy & hygienic food , kitchen is being maintained under the supervision of a Dietician.
- 100% power back-up, Lift & the hospital is well equipped with fire fighting safety provisions.