6 Tips To Lower Your Risk Of Developing Alzheimer's Disease

6 Tips To Lower Your Risk Of Developing Alzheimer's Disease

Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a common type of dementia associated with issues concerning an individual's memory and behavior. Though there are numerous ailments commensurate with old age, Alzheimer's especially can take an enormous toll on the emotional state of the patient, as well as his family and friends. Though most reported cases of Alzheimer's are of those who are 65 years or older, even individuals in their 40s and 50s are susceptible to this disease. The symptoms of AD are progressive and worsen with time to such an extent that they even hinder one's ability to perform routine tasks. While age and genetics have a significant role to play in the onset of this disease, studies find that certain lifestyle measures are proven useful in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Here Are Six Essential Tips That Can Help You Avoid Alzheimer's

1. Enjoy An Active Lifestyle

A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that a physical activity program of an additional 142 minutes of exercise per week on average can improve cognition in adults with subjective and objective memory impairment. The Alzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundation also suggests that physical exercise can lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by almost 50 percent.

Here are Some Exercise Tips You Can Follow to Improve Your Cognitive Health;

1. Engage In 140-150 Minutes Of Cardio And Strength Training Exercises Every Week

some exercise tips Alzheimer's Disease

Start off with medium-intensity exercises like brisk walking, cycling, and swimming. Try to combine cardio with strength training exercises like squats, crunches, lifting light weights, etc. Even leisure and household activities like dancing, cleaning, and gardening count as active time as long as they increase your heart rate.

2. Work On Your Balance And Coordination

Head injury caused due to trauma can be a potential risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. To avoid accidents due to balance and falls, practicing balance and coordination exercises like yoga, Tai Chi, back and side leg raises, etc. can be highly effective.

2. Follow A Healthy Diet

Many studies point out the importance of a healthy diet in improving cognitive function. A study published by Taylor & Francis Online reports that a Mediterranean diet helps reduce cognitive decline, the progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease, and lowers the risk of all-cause mortality in AD patients.

Follow These Dietary Tips to Improve Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing;

1. Increase Your Intake Of Antioxidants

Increase Your Intake of AntioxidantsAlzheimer's Disease

Leafy greens, berries, dark-colored fruits, and veggies are excellent sources of vitamins and antioxidants that can lower the risk of dementia. Make sure you also sip two cups of green tea every day to give your system an antioxidant boost and to improve cognitive function.

2. Replace Trans And Saturated Fats With Omega-3 Fats

Trans and saturated fats are inflammatory in nature and can thereby result in free radical formation in the body, one of the greatest causes of cancer, CVDs, and Alzheimer's. Replace these fats with healthy omega-3 fats found in nuts, fish, and olive oil. These fats contain DHA that reduces beta-amyloid plaques and thus lowers the risk of cognitive dysfunction.

3. Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels

Foods that are processed, refined, high in sugar and salts can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels that can, in turn, cause inflammatory activity in your brain. To prevent this, make sure you break down your daily meals into 6 small meals that are rich in fiber and low in processed sugar and salts.

3. Maintain Social Connections

Maintaining active social ties also plays a significant role in preventing dementia and AD. A Lancet Neurology Study reports that an active and socially integrated lifestyle in old age can help fight dementia and AD.

These are Some Productive Ways You Can Enjoy an Active Social Life;

1. Find A Shared Hobby With Your Partner Or Friends

Whether it is fishing or yoga or art, there are many new and exciting hobbies you can try your hand at, along with your partner and/or your friends and family.

Not only will doing this fuel your philanthropic interests but will also help you bond with like-minded people with whom you can build a strong connection.

2. Other Activities

Other activities like going to movies, picnics, games, and museums with your family and friends can also make a positive difference in your life.

4. Stimulate Your Mind

One of the most effective ways to prevent Alzheimer's is to keep your grey matter ticking. Participating in mentally stimulating activities like problem-solving, communication, and thinking are great ways to improve your cognitive health.

These are Some Mentally Stimulating Activities You Should Engage in;

1. Pick Up A New Skill

Pick up a New Skill Alzheimer's Disease

From learning a new cuisine to learning a new language, there is a multitude of skills you can aim at developing. Challenge yourself and your capabilities.

2. Play Mentally Stimulating Games

Games like scrabble, crosswords, Sudoku, and other board games also stimulate mental alertness. They act as a workout, but for your brain.

3. Read Books And Newspapers

Read Books and Newspapers Alzheimer's Disease

Make sure you also engage in reading books and newspapers. Try questioning yourself about the people in the news and the characters in the books; do further research on topics that intrigue you. Most importantly, don't allow your mind to be idle.

5. Keep Stress At Bay

Studies report that chronic stress is one of the biggest factors responsible for Alzheimer's disease. Keeping a calm state of mind, therefore, is important to shield yourself from the risk of AD.

Following are Some Activities to Help Lower Stress Levels;

1. Practice Calming Activities

Activities like yoga, meditation, prayer, and deep breathing can work wonders to calm you down and improve your mental and physical state.

2. Take Time Out For Leisure

Walking your dog, sitting in a park, cycling around the town, listening to your favorite music, basking in the sun - do take time out for the kind of activities that bring you happiness.

6. Get Proper Sleep

Multiple studies report that lack of sleep or disturbed sleep can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. On the contrary, adequate sleep can have a rejuvenating impact on both, your physical and mental health.

Here are Some Tips that Can Help You Sleep Beter;

1. Follow A Strict Sleep Schedule

The more streamlined your sleep schedule is, the more in sync your circadian rhythm will be. Try as far as possible to stick to a schedule when it comes to sleeping.

2. Keep Your Atmosphere Sleep-Friendly

Make sure the lights are turned out, your bed is comfortable, your room is cool, and there are no disturbances to hinder your sleep. Taking a warm bath infused with lavender essential oils can help slip you into slumber better. Avoid any use of technology, at least, half an hour before sleeping; a bedtime read is a better way to induce sleep instead.

These were some essential tips on Alzheimer's prevention. If your family has a history of AD and you wish to know more about this condition, You can contact the best neurologist in Bangalore and get the treatment done. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

Reviewed By:

Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)

Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad