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Wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to develop. They erupt during late teens or twenties. Although these teeth have a fancy name, they are well known for the dental problems they can cause. Since wisdom teeth are last to develop, they can get impacted, which means they are unable to erupt fully, become infected and may also damage neighboring teeth leading to dental troubles such as:
One or more of the above conditions is an indication for wisdom teeth removal. Since wisdom teeth do not have a significant role in chewing food, dentists generally recommend their removal to avoid dental problems in the future.
Wisdom teeth removal comes with its own share of anxieties and questions. The first and foremost question asked is regarding recovery and when solid food can be eaten after wisdom teeth removal.
Since wisdom tooth removal is a minor surgical procedure, it will take some time to heal completely. The area around the tooth that has been removed can be swollen and sore for at least a week after the procedure. Plenty of liquids are recommended to keep you well hydrated and also as it allows the mouth to be rinsed.
Foods after wisdom teeth removal should preferably be soft so that they don’t irritate the affected area. Soft solid foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal can be the following:
Soup is the best source of nutrition being full of vitamins and nutrients and is yet easier to swallow and digest. Soups are also an excellent means to keep you hydrated. The only precaution to be taken when having soups is that it should be lukewarm and not hot. This is because hot drinks can further irritate the surgery area.
The broth is slightly different from soup since it’s only a stock made from meat or vegetables. Broths are rich in all the nutrients necessary for faster healing and recovery. Bone broth specifically is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Just like soups, broths also should be consumed when lukewarm and not hot to avoid irritating the wound.
Smoothies can be best adjusted to each patient’s personal food preference. Smoothies can be made out of fruits or vegetables depending entirely on what the patient desires to eat, yet are one of the best sources of energy and nutrition.
Yogurts are creamy in consistency and therefore soft to swallow and also have a soothing effect on the stomach in the presence of antibiotics and painkiller medications.
such as potatoes, pumpkin, bananas are high in carbohydrates and nutrients. These are some of the perfect solid foods to eat after wisdom tooth removal as they provide enough energy when food intake has been reduced.
Since ice creams are cold they have a dual effect – they cause vasoconstriction and prevent swelling, soreness, and bleeding and they also have a soothing effect on the affected tooth.
Proteins can be readily available through smoothies, scrambled eggs, fish or paneer (cottage cheese). Consuming a high protein diet is known to play an important role in enhancing wound healing.
Oats are highly nutritious, rich in fiber, easy to chew and can be cooked as per patient’s preference. Oats still require greater chewing efforts as compared to other foods and should be included in the diet at least 2-3 days after wisdom tooth removal.
Before knowing what foods are to be avoided after wisdom teeth removal, it is important to note that no food should be eaten while it is hot. Hot foods can irritate the area of extracted wisdom tooth and cause complications.
Solid foods that should be completely avoided after wisdom teeth removal are:
Crunchy Foods – Which require more chewing efforts and are also likely to injure the inner cheeks.
Grains and Seeds – Foods containing small grains or seeds are likely to get lodged in teeth and around the wound making cleaning difficult.
Alcohol – Alcohol can impede the healing process and also severely irritate the wound. Apart from this, alcohol may also interact with prescribed antibiotics or painkiller medications.
Spicy Food – Spices can irritate the site of wisdom tooth extraction.
Wisdom tooth removal and its recovery can have different effects on different persons. While some people recover completely within one week, some may take longer than 2 weeks. It is equally important to be mentally prepared for the pain and discomfort after the procedure – this will help you keep a positive outlook towards the entire procedure of extraction and recovery.