Controlling your Cravings for Soda

Controlling your Cravings for Soda

How to Stop Craving Soda

Are you a person who has taken a vow to cut down on sodas and aerated drinks, but end up consuming them after convincing yourself saying “This is the Last one”? Relax; there are thousands of people who are addicted to these fizzy drinks. The positive thing being, they taste good and instantly quench your thirst. However, they come packed and sealed with a lot of negative effects as well. We provide you a few reasons why you should cut down on sodas.

  • Sodas add on hundreds of empty calories, thus playing havoc with your fitness regimen.
  • Large amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners are added to these sodas, which has zero nutritional value.
  • It was reported that, sodas are harmful to health as, the ingredients and flavors used make you dizzy. To avoid this, artificial sweeteners are added in large quantities.
  • Sodas can add inches your waist and tummy.
  • Sodas may raise the risk of diabetes and osteoporosis
  • Caffeine in sodas can interfere with calcium absorption. Enamel on the teeth is also affected.
  • It might cause Stomach aches, irritable bowel syndrome and digestive problems in the long run.

We Provide You a Few Useful Tips That Will Ensure You Knock The Soda Habit.

  • Replace your soda with healthy alternatives like fruit juices, coconut water, green tea or any herbal tea. This way you will not only cut down on the calories, but will gain a healthy, glowing skin as a bonus.
  • Make sure you are not staving. Eat 6 small meals in a day at regular intervals to keep your stomach full and carvings at bay. This way your body will have constant energy source and you’ll feel less hungry.
  • When you are dining out, don’t give in and order a fizzy drink to compliment your burger or biryani. Instead order a bottle of cold water. Taste varies, but you are doing yourself a favor by limiting a big number of calories from getting added.
  • Stock up your fridge with fruit juices and flavored water. Grab a bottle whenever you want a tasty treat.
  • Carry a list with you while shopping to limit yourself from picking up unwanted, fattening, fizzy drinks.
  • Research says that, excessive soda carving is an indication of calcium deficiency. To reduce the carving, gorge on a slice of cheese, a sandwich or a salad with generous servings of green veggies. Yogurt and milk are healthy options too.
  • Avoid your intake of sweet stuff in the morning. Your body starts craving for sweet. Chances are high that you’ll reach out for a soda as they are readily available in cafeterias, restaurants and super markets.
  • It is proved that, lack of proper sleep also makes you crave. So ensure that you hit the sack for a minimum of 8 hours.
  • Green tea can be renamed as appetite suppressant. It contains EGCG (epigallocatechingallate) which reduces appetite
  • We understand, it is human tendency to go back to old ways in terms of food. Your Taste buds need to be respected as well. We provide a few practical tips for beginners that will ensure a gradual cut down of sodas.
  • Opt for Diet coke. It contains calories as well. However, don’t consider it as an alternative to the regular colas. The rate at which a diet coke is consumed should be gradually reduced.
  • Maintain a food journal. Note down all the food that goes into your mouth. Chances are less that you’ll cheat this way.
  • Chew sugar free gum. It will help take your mind off cravings.
  • Brush your teeth after dinner. This way you’ll not be tempted to get a drink for yourself.
  • Exercise for an extra 30minutes, whenever you let yourself pick a can of diet coke.

Remember that you are responsible for your health and be determined not to cheat. Gift yourself a pair of earrings or a nice massage, whenever you don’t have a soda in a week. This will keep your zeal going. Happy Healthy Life!!!

Reviewed By:

Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)

Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad