Does It Really Matter What Time You Work Out?

Does It Really Matter What Time You Work Out?

Best time to work out

Whether it is AM or PM which is best for workout is a debate that has been raging for a long time and even now shows no sign of abating. Fitness enthusiasts always wonder about whether the time of workout really matters. While some believe that going for a morning jog is the best way to lose weight and stay fit, others are of the opinion that hitting the gym during the evening time is best.

The truth is that there is no general perfect time for workout. You can pick whatever time you like as long as you stick to it because consistency is the key to success. Consistency is even more important than diet or training regime because if one wants to lose weight and stay fit, then staying focused is the name of the game especially since in this arena it is very easy to lose motivation and adopt a shroud of complacency.

Working out isn’t easy and nor will one be able to get instant results because the weight wasn’t gained overnight and therefore it is certainly going to take more than one night in order to lose most of it. To determine the best time for you to work out you need to take into consideration three factors - diet, schedule and your preferences. Out of all these, the most important variable is the person who is working out.

For instance, if a study shows that the best time for working out is during the evening but then you find it more motivating and convenient to work out in the morning, then the advice would probably backfire if you force yourself into evening workouts. Majority of the studies allude to the fact that irrespective of what time of the day you choose to exercise, it is necessary to know how to exercise during that time.

Thus, you should know much you must eat prior to the workout, the amount of sleep you need to get before working out and also the duration of the workout. Equally imperative is to be cognizant with the workout moves that are most effective for the targeted areas of your body from which you want to lose weight. For best results, it is advisable to include strength training and some cardio-vascular moves into your fitness regime.

Conventionally, the most ‘universally accepted’ time for workout is definitely during the mornings. According to studies, people are more likely to exercise first thing in the morning because during the day other kinds of distractions and work can pop up, thus rendering one unable to find enough time to squeeze in the workout. Having a light meal prior to the workout is considered best because the body would then make use of the fats instead of muscles for working out.

A lot of people find it better to work out during the evenings between 4 to 5pm since their bodies have the highest temperature during this time. Therefore when one gets moving during this time, the body would be able to lose more fat in less time. However, for some people, working out in the afternoon is more energizing and they are also less prone to injuries during this time due to enhanced muscle awareness and alertness.

Thus, one should attempt to check the time of the day when one can set aside two hours for warm up, workout and cooling down. Once you have fixed a time you should follow it and remain consistent in order to fight the flab and look fabulously fit.

Reviewed By:

Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)

Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad