While being intrigued by scrumptious meals is something that falls over everyone’s head, people with excessively food cravings need to understand their temptation in a bit different but a lot more serious way. Common, we aren’t pinning you down – rather just trying to show you a healthy way to curb your cravings to help shed those extra pounds and get a better understanding of how food can actually have an influence over your life. So, should we start?
Well, to help you understand how food affects your life and why you should seriously control your sudden food cravings, we have listed below some really insightful tips and tricks on the same. They will not just teach you the right eating habits, but will also teach you how to kill cravings for food without actually putting yourself on a pedestal. Read on!
- Keep an eye on the time of day and the duration of your cravings for food before you go for your next meal. You can either jot it down in a journal or use a chart to mark your meals – however, it’s usually wise to suppress a craving by either gulping down a glass of water or munching a healthy snack.
- Focus on portion control in order to curb your sudden food cravings. Since it’s very important to exercise some control on your taste buds, ensure to cut down your food portions over seven days to two weeks or so (however, depending on what food you consume).
- Should the cravings for food get too strong, you should focus on pacifying it by consuming healthy foods and liquids. You can simply satiate the cravings by drinking water or green tea at regular intervals. You may also have some fruits or raw vegetables as a way to trim down your hunger.
- Meanwhile, make it a point to keep your body well hydrated all throughout the day. Since hydration is extremely crucial for a ‘healthy you’, make sure to consume at least 1 oz. of water for each 2lb of body weight. This will not just help curb your thirst, but will also help maintain an optimum health status by proffering enough water to your body.
- Do not overlook the significance of small meals and snacks during the day – just because you need to kill your craving for food. Hence, you should ascertain to consume at least six small meals or larger snacks throughout your day instead of suffusing your stomach with three large meals. This will help maintain and regulate the adequate insulin level in your body.
- If you have an empty stomach, strictly avoid indulging in any workout session. To curb your food cravings at wrong times and to instill healthy food habits, it is very important to consume a rich, well nourished diet. However, if you plan to work out, then make sure to eat high protein snacks half an hour before your gyming session. At the same time, keep your body well nourished by munching a steady supply of low calorie protein bars, unsalted peanuts or walnuts.
- Lastly, have a discussion with your family and close ones pertaining to your endeavor to curb food cravings. Since a good support system helps reinforce the purpose, keep yourself well surrounded with people who will guide you right and enforce your dietary restrictions in the healthiest manner.