Unveiling The Best Collagen Supplements For Women: Enhancing..
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The wise women go in for a proper doctor check up who order a whole array of tests to rule out the possibility of various conditions and diseases that women can contract. Stress, workload and self-neglect are the main causes why women health after 30 can become a series of aches and pains which they normally ignore till they become unbearable. Though, comprehensive health check ups from heart and thyroid check up to uterine and eye check up are now readily available.
Many leading pathology labs and hospital chains pan-India have highly relevant and fine tuned health check up lists for women. One click or one visit, and you can have access to an annual health check up list for women that is relevant and important for your lifestyle, medical history and age.Starting from Whole Body check ups and becoming more and more specific, these check up packages include special Bone Health, Thyroid Profile, Diabetes, Pre-conception and Reproductive Health packages for women. Here is a look at what a general Whole Body Test for women over the age of 30 looks like.
Basic Blood Work | CBC (Complete Blood Count) ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Blood Group T3(Triiodothyrine) T4 (Thyroxine) TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Total Testosterone Urine Routine Stool Routine 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D Vitamin B12 Magnesium Serum Iron Iron Binding Capacity Ferritin Folic Acid Valproic Acid |
Lipid Profile | Total Cholesterol HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) Triglycerides Lipoprotein(Lp(a)) Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein B Apo A1/Apo B Ratio |
Diabetes | FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) PPBS (Post Prandial Blood Sugar/ Random Blood Sugar) HBA1C (Three Month average blood sugar levels) |
Renal Health | BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) S.Creatinine S. Electrolyte Phosphorous S.Uric Acid S. Calcium Urine Albumin/Creatinine Ratio |
Cardiac Health | ECG (Electrocardiography) Stress Test 2D Echo S.Homocysteine Ultrasensitive CRP (C-Reactive Protein) |
Liver Functioning | Total Protein Albumin Globulin Bilirubin SGOT(Serum Glutamic OxaloaceticTransaminase) SGPT(Serum Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase) Alkaline Phosphatase GGTP (Gamma-GlutamylTranspeptidase) |
Infection Screening | HIV I & II (ELISA) HBSAg (ELISA) (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen) Anti HCV (Hepatitis C virus) lgG (Immunoglobulin G) VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) |
Cancer Markers | CA 125 (Cancer Antigen-for Ovarian Cancer) AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein) CEA(CarcinoembryonicAntigen) PAP Smear (Papanicolaou Test) Mammography |
Pre-conception tests | FBS eSTRADIOL (Estrogen Level test) TSH Ultrasensitive CBC Blood Group Rubella (German measles) lgG Urine Routine Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan Basal Antral Follicle Count |
The best thing about these very comprehensive health check up packages is that it is possible to tailor make one for your specific needs. Once you visit your doctor and have him order tests for you, the pathology lab personnel guide you through each test and also create a package that is both highly suitable and cost effective.
Moreover, from time to time, these women health check up packages are reviewed and refined and occasional packages like Healthy Grandma Package or Healthy Teen Package or Women’s Day Special Discount Package are announced.
In present times, when life is so demanding of women, the least they can do is take care of their health at least once a year by getting a specific health check up done by either a general physician or a specialist like a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Most women sadly ignore the fact that any twitch in their Thyroid functioning or reproductive health means a full body malfunctioning. Therefore, it is vital for today’s women to keep a check on her physical condition before life takes matters into its own hands.
A healthy woman means a healthy family, it is with this adage that has never been more meaningful that pathology labs and doctors are proclaiming the necessity of different women health check up packages.